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Yellowstone National Park’s Zone of Death
Larry Levine -- Midnight Report Larry Levine -- Midnight Report
Los Angeles, CA
Friday, April 1, 2022


Yellowstone National Parks Zone of Death

"How to Beat a Murder Rap in Plain Sight!"

by Larry Levine

Publisher of the Midnight Report

While most believe the 3,471-square-mile Yellowstone National Park is solely located in the states of Wyoming and Montana, many have no clue there's a small sliver of parkland on the lower western edge inside Idaho, that's approximately 50-square-miles wide full of meadows, waterfalls, and grizzly bears known as the "Yellow Stone National Park's Zone of Death" where crimes could go unprosecuted because no one lives there.

When Congress stole the land from the Indians and created Yellowstone in 1872, the U.S. District Court in Wyoming was given exclusive legal jurisdiction over crimes committed within the park's borders, creating a jurisdictional loophole that could force the DOJ to dismiss charges against anyone accused of committing a federal crime in Idaho's portion of the park.

Read the Complete Story at the Midnight Report



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Name: Larry Levine
Title: Director
Group: Wall Street Prison Consultants
Dateline: Moorpark, CA United States
Direct Phone: 213-948-1069
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