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Yes, It's Cancer: A Story of Hope
Judi Moreo -- A Speaker with Substance and Style Judi Moreo -- A Speaker with Substance and Style
Las Vegas, NV
Monday, March 15, 2010


Vickie Lane had some important choices to makeā€¦and fast!

In her story "Yes, It's Cancer" in a new inspirational book, Life Choices, published by Turning Point Publications, you'll read how she chose to use the experience of being diagnosed with breast cancer into a positive experience.

"Hopefully sharing my story will help at least one person who is faced with the breast cancer journey." Vickie said.

Vickie said the fear of the unknown was much harder on her than the treatments. She also tried to share some of the lessons she learned along the way in her story. Since Vickie feels every journey is a very personal experience, she didn't intend for hers to be a "how to" story but simply an encouraging story showing that there is no wrong way to go through the journey.

Since her diagnosis, Vickie say, she and her husband have become closer. "My initial main concern was my husband, Roger. Less than two years prior to my diagnosis he had watched his mother die of lung cancer. I could see him imagining me going through everything she did and it broke my heart. That was probably the biggest factor in my choice to stay strong and positive through my journey. I may not have had control of the final physical outcome I faced but I could definitely have a say in how my emotional outcome would turn out! I chose to stay strong and positive through the journey no matter what came my way."

Vickie still shows that determination. In October 2009, she participated in a 3 day breast cancer walk. At 50 years old and definitely not the athletic type, the walk was a real challenge but with the encouragement of her three friends/sisters/teammates she completed the walk. "We crossed the finish line holding hands and shedding tears" Vickie said fondly as she reminisced.

"I believe we are all given challenges in our lives and they form who we become. There was never a doubt that God wouldn't get me through the journey that He put me on even if I didn't understand it", Vickie said in closing. "I now see how He filled my life with opportunities once I realized I was stronger than I thought."

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Judi Moreo
Title: President
Group: Turning Point International
Dateline: Las Vegas, NV United States
Direct Phone: 702-283-4567
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