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You Can do Something!
Tom Hinton --  CRI Global, LLC Tom Hinton -- CRI Global, LLC
San Diego, CA
Friday, February 4, 2011

Tom Hinton
You Can Do Something!

by Tom Hinton

Recently, at a weekend retreat I facilitated on The Course of 10,000 Days, I asked attendees the following question. "Tell me one thing you can do right now to improve your life and start to get the results you desire?" This question is designed to get people thinking about taking that all-important next step to create change in their lives and achieve their goals.

Invariably, this question meets resistance from some attendees who are so stuck in their own velvet rut that they cannot climb out of it. For example, some attendees are stuck in life because they lost a spouse, a family member or a dear friend. For others, their self-esteem has suffered a serious blow because they lost their job or their home as a result of tough economic times. Still, there are some who are so consumed with anger and resentment towards an ex-spouse or boss that they've never been able to get past it. Regardless of the reason, the fact remains that we get stuck in life because we fail to accept the fact that we have the power to change our life, move forward and live our dreams.

This is what The Course of 10,000 Days is all about. It's a process by which we confront the demons in our life and learn how to quiet our ego so our Inner Spirit can surface and guide us to our destiny. For, it is through our Inner Spirit that we create our greatest outcomes in life. No one should have to live their life according to someone else's terms. We have the power to create our own outcomes. We have the power to achieve our own destiny. This is what makes us unique and transforms ordinary people into extraordinary human beings.

And so, when you are asked the question — "Tell me one thing you can do right now to improve your life and start to get the results you desire?" — your answer can be as simple as "I will think positive thoughts about myself." Or, "I will believe in my own goals and dreams." Or, "I will start to research my pet project, or read a book, or accept the fact that I can do something today – even if it is taking a baby step in the right direction – to move my life forward."

For each of us, the answer to the question will be different. What matters is that you must be able to answer the question – and answer it with conviction; then, act on whatever it is you said you would do. It is in this way cathedrals have been built – one stone at a time. It is the same way Walt Disney created Disneyland and America was founded and grew, and man was able to land on the moon. Nothing is impossible, but you must believe in yourself and be willing to do something right now to move your life forward. Even if that something is a small step forward!

So, let me ask you once again, "Tell me one thing you can do right now to improve your life and start to get the results you desire?"

About the Author: Tom Hinton is the author of the new book entitled, 10,000 Days: The Secret to Finding Purpose, Peace and Passion for the Rest of Your Life, which will be available March 11th on www.tomhinton.com   Tom Hinton is a popular speaker at corporate and association meetings on such topics as Leadership, Creating your Legacy and Achieving Your Life Goals. He can be reached at tom@tomhinton.com

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Name: Tom Hinton
Title: President & CEO
Group: 10,000 Days Foundation
Dateline: San Diego, CA United States
Direct Phone: 800-544-0414
Main Phone: 760-787-0414
Cell Phone: 858-449-9055
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