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success in beauty and business creates fulfillment
Elinor Stutz  --   Top One Percent Influencer and Sales Performance Guru Elinor Stutz -- Top One Percent Influencer and Sales Performance Guru
San Francisco, CA
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Elinor Stutz, Contributor

Elinor Stutz                                              Call:   (408) 209-0550

Smooth Sale




Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale, and international best-selling author, charmed Charlotte Howard on radio, with her remarkable personal story.  Show host, Howard, is a 5-time international best-selling author herself, and award winning hair artist, and women's life mentor.

Upon hearing Stutz' incredible journey from having endured a broken neck to overcoming all odds stacked against her for recovery, Howard chose to have Stutz share that story in her new collaborative book:  "Success in Beauty:  Secrets to Effortless Fulfillment and Happiness".  Stutz assigns her strong belief in a return to wellness, as well as inherent sales talent, to her full recovery.

Success in Beauty will be released and launched October 24, and available on Amazon; visit here:. http://tinyurl com/Success-in-BeautyandBiz   

Ray Parker, Celebrity Hair and Makeup Artist, wrote the forward.

The book is a collaborative effort between Stutz, Howard, and a number of other highly successful business owners and authors. In alignment with Stutz' mantra, "when we each reach out to help others coming up behind us, empowering them to reach their own success, together, we may positive impact society", describes the pages to be read in this new book release.  Each author shares their best business insights for reader to easily comprehend, implement and track their results.  The stories, like that of Stutz, are truly remarkable, compelling and designed to empower each reader. 

                     ### End of Release

Contact:  Elinor Stutz         Smooth Sale         (408) 209-0550  

 Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale, delivers inspirational keynotes at conferences and authored two books:  The International Best-Selling book, Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results”, and community service led to the writing of her second best-selling book, HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews.” 

Stutz, contributes to PersonalBrandingBlog.com.U.S. News and World Report, and AllBusiness.com.  Open View Labs designated her as a Top Sales Influencer, and her sales seminar was filmed for Eduson.TV.  CEO World Magazine proclaimed Stutz as "One of the brightest sales minds to follow on Twitter".  Stutz consults and trains worldwide.

Connect with Elinor:

Twitter: @smoothsale  
Facebook: Elinor Stutz
LinkedIn: Elinor Stutz

Youtube:  Elinor Stutz

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Elinor Stutz
Title: CEO, Speaker, Author
Group: Smooth Sale
Dateline: Ashburn, VA United States
Direct Phone: 408-209-0550
Main Phone: 408-209-0550
Cell Phone: 408-209-0550
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