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Printable Eulogy Templates
Kay Savetz -- Free Printables Kay Savetz -- Free Printables
Portland, OR
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Free Printable Eulogy Templates
 A selection of printable eulogy templates have been added to the website CondolenceLetters.net, which aims to make a difficult time a little easier by providing free sample letters of sympathy.

"I've had such a positive reaction to CondolenceLetters.net since I launched the site earlier this year," said Kevin Savetz, "that I decided to add a selection of sample eulogies, along with tips, poems, quotes and song lyrics."

"Like the condolence letters, the eulogies aren't intended to use exactly as-is," explained Savetz, who has created dozens of sites offering free and low-cost printables. "Rather, these samples serve as a jumping-off point when it's hard to find the words to honor a loved one who has died."

The site has sample eulogies for family members and friends. The eulogies can be download, personalized in Microsoft Word (or Google Docs), and then printed – or simply cut and paste the text directly from the website.

"I hope these eulogies, like the condolence letters, provide the start grieving family members and friends need in order to complete a heart-felt memorial for their loved one," Savetz said.

The poems, quotes, and songs conveniently included on the site range from classics such as "Do Not Stand At My Grave and Weep," by Mary Frye, to lyrics from "Time of Your Life" by Green Day.

There are nearly 80 sites in the FreePrintable.net family of free printables sites created by Savetz Publishing, Inc., a company devoted to creating useful and informative web sites of interest to consumers and small businesses.

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Name: Kay Savetz
Dateline: Portland, OR United States
Cell Phone: (707) 400-6360
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