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Printable Jewish Calendars
Kay Savetz -- Free Printables Kay Savetz -- Free Printables
Blue Lake, CA
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Jewish Calendar
A new Web site, PrintableJewishCalendar.com, offers free printable Jewish calendars to instantly download in versions tailored to the user's needs.

All Jewish holidays are noted on the calendars, which are available in multiple styles. One option is to download and print calendar pages with traditional Hebrew calendar dates, such as for the current year, 5769 and next year, 5770. The months and days of the week are in Hebrew as well, such as: Nissan, Iyar, Sivan and so on.

Another choice is Gregorian calendars (2009 and 2010 versions are currently available) that include the Jewish holidays. Users can opt to download a version that also notes the Jewish dates, or omits them. (For example, September 1, 2009 includes the notation that that same day is also 12 Elul 5769.)

"I aimed to create a site that honored Jewish tradition while also recognizing the practicality of following the Gregorian calendar, which dominates in the Western world," said Kevin Savetz, the creator of the site.

PrintableJewishCalendar.com also offers a custom calendar generator in which users can choose from Gregorian months (January, February, etc.) or Hebrew months (Tishri, Cheshvan, etc.), add days of the week in English or Hebrew, and also choose Gregorian dates, Jewish dates and Jewish holidays in various combinations. The printable calendar is generated instantly.

As an added feature, visitors to the site are immediately greeted by the traditional greeting of "Shalom!" and a notation of the date according to the Hebrew calendar.

People who are unfamiliar with the Jewish calendar may be interested to learn that the date of Jewish holidays is the same (on the Hebrew calendar) each year, and only shift on the Gregorian calendar due to the latter calendar being of different length. (The Jewish calendar corresponds to lunar and solar cycles.) The years on a Jewish calendar represent the time since creation as calculated based on Biblical data.

The 8 1/2-by-11-inch calendars are available in two file formats: PDF, which is easily read by Adobe's free Acrobat Reader, and .DOC, which is compatible with Microsoft Word. The .DOC version is fully editable, so users can type in their family's personal dates and data. Both versions are free and download instantly.

There are more than nearly 50 sites in the FreePrintable.net family of free printables sites created by Savetz Publishing, Inc., a company devoted to creating useful and informative web sites of interest to consumers and small businesses.

Kevin Savetz ( savetz@gmail.com)


Savetz Publishing, Inc.

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