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Global Strategic Management Solutions Newsletter
Global Strategic Management Solutions Global Strategic Management Solutions
Lake Worth, FL
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Global Strategic Management Solutions
What's Inside:

* Seminar Creates a Roadmap for Success

* A Flexible Workforce Fueled by Feedback

* Customer Loyalty

Seminar Creates a Roadmap for Success

Find out how high performance organizations are able to compete in today?s constant changing market and how you can proactively create a healthy organization.

The growth and profitability of your organization hinges on the ability for your organization to align with the internal and external markets conditions. High performance organizations have a fundamental difference that separates them from other organizations. Strategic Planning is focused on creating growth and high-performance in organizations.

A strategic plan assists businesses and management with a map that will allow your organization to be more efficient and effective by focusing on understanding

and aligning your resources to take advantage of opportunities in your market. The strategic plan also has the entire organization involved in moving in the

same direction. Strategic planning changes as the environment changes. For a business to remain successful, it is necessary to consistently update and modify it on a regular basis.

Today, managing change has become a difficult task for CEO?s, senior management, and business owners. The good news is that GSMS can assist you in understanding internal and external market trends that will reflect in a positive impact to the bottom line of the organization. The bad news is that time is running our and spaces are going quickly, reserve your space now.

GSMS Executive Education series commences with a seminar that uses a unique approach to improve local businesses. Distinctive seminar focuses on using

archetypes to increase productivity, employee performance, profits, and turnover through a validated archetype assessment tool.

The roles and characters that we adopt through our lives create themes within the culture of our company. These themes manifest themselves in every aspect of who we are and how we act. This seminar aims to enhance the inner awareness of culture and the skill set required for effective leadership to improve their business.

The program takes place on Friday, March 14 at 8:00 AM. It is being held at the Governor?s Club (777 South Flagler Drive, West Palm Beach, FL) and includes

breakfast, complementary valet, all instructional materials, and your personalized PMAI report. For only $250, you can change your business forever! Seats are

limited so register now at www.globalstrategicmgmt.com/Workshop_Leadership.

html. Pre-registration is required.

A Flexible Workforce Fueled by Feedback

By Beverly Hung, SPHR

As companies compete globally to provide customers with the best product or service, it is essential to establish a business acumen that promotes an employee feedback program that is able to retain talented employees that contribute to the ability of an organization to remain viable in the global marketplace. According to Salary.com?s 2006/07 Employee Satisfaction and Retention Survey, the No. 1 reason employees stay in their position is because

of a good relationship with their manager.

Successful managers need to have tools that enhance their ability to identify opportunities for each employee to learn and grow while recognizing individual

contributions. The 360 ?Degree feedback tool serves as a method to link feedback to company and personal goal attainment.

The traditional performance appraisal is completed by an employee?s immediate supervisor. Because the supervisor-only model relies on one perspective, there

are several potential limitations such as individual biases, insufficient opportunity to observe the performance of the employee in different venues with different people, and the individual ability of the supervisor to conduct an effective and useful appraisal. The 360-degree feedback review differs from the traditional performance appraisal because the employee gets feedback from more than one source. The employee?s manager receives feedback from a variety of people that interact with the employee such as peers, subordinates, supervisors and possibly customers which leads to a more credible and accurate assessment of the employee?s performance. The tool includes measurable elements such as an employee?s productivity and satisfaction , customer service , and product quality.

Organizations may choose to implement the 360-degree feedback program organization wide or to a limited amount of employees to review the results. As

with any new program, it is essential that careful thought and planning be given to how it will be introduced to the organization. The implementation of the program should be lead by a single point of contact to properly orchestra clear communication to overcome resistance to the new program.

* The purpose of the 360-degree feedback needs to be clear.

* People need to be involved in the planning process.

* Allow people to communicate any negative perspectives about the program and provide an opportunity for them to experience the process on a trail basis

* Review the integrity of the process and the controls that are built into the tool that support it?s credibility and validity.

The 360-feedback tool provides a framework to assist in refocusing the workforce on attaining new goals by influencing behavioral changes. The workforce?s ability to be flexible is essential as organizational strategies are molded to meet the needs of an ever evolving global marketplace.

Customer Loyalty

By Nicole Haye

Webster?s dictionary defines loyalty as:

"A feeling or attitude of devoted attachment and affection; or the act of binding oneself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action."

We instinctively understand that when customer loyalty increases, so do profits. A credible brand builds customer loyalty. The main component to a successful

business is a steady customer base. After all, successful companies typically see 80 percent of their business come from 20 percent of their customers.

Unfortunately, too many companies neglect their loyal customer base in pursuit of new customers. However, since the cost to attract new customers is

significantly more than to maintain your relationship with existing ones, your efforts toward building customer loyalty will certainly payoff.

There are three elements which are directly related to customer loyalty from the employees? perspective. The first is customer service. Employees need to be

able and willing to go the extra mile, if needed, to satisfy the customer?s demands. Customers develop an emotional feeling dependant upon how they

are treated. Just like they will remember a positive experience, they will surely remember a negative one as well.

The second element is employee loyalty. This concept has the ?trickle-down? effect. The managers must first feel a sense of loyalty to their jobs and the

company. In turn, that loyalty will filter down to their employees and then directly to the customer.

Employee training is the third element. Employees will mimic their customer interaction through how they view their superior?s customer interaction.

You may find these points trivial, but I urge you to realize that branding is more than just the products you offer. It is the services as well. Branding is an ever-changing environment so the products and services offered must bring continuity to the identity of the company.

Branding is your identity. Creating a company identity is essential to your success. And, getting the message out right the first time sets the stage for your

success or failure. The message must be consistent through all channels and forums from your clients to your employees.

About Global Strategic Management Solutions Inc.

Global Strategic Management Solutions helps organizations grow and improve their performance. Our services provide a direct contribution to your profitability and long-term survival. E-mail us to request a copy of Survival of the Fittest: Adapting Corporate Strategy to the 21st Century.

Let us bring your organization to the next level of success!
News Media Interview Contact
Name: Doreen M. McGunagle, Ph.D.
Title: CEO
Group: Global Strategic Management Solutions, Inc.
Dateline: Palm Beach Gardens, FL United States
Direct Phone: 561.208.1071
Cell Phone: 561.310.7537
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