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New NSCA World Headquarters Ready For Action
National Strength and Conditioning Association National Strength and Conditioning Association
Colorado Springs, CO
Thursday, March 11, 2004

The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) recently moved into its new World Headquarters building located at 1885 Bob Johnson Drive in southwest Colorado Springs, Colorado. The new location and office space will provide a cost-effective opportunity for growth and greater professional development for the NSCA?s nearly 30,000 members and the strength and conditioning profession.

?The NSCA has established itself as the worldwide authority on strength and conditioning,? NSCA President Bill Allerheiligen said. ?This new building complements our market position and supports our promise to support and disseminate research-based knowledge and its practical application to improve athletic performance and fitness.?

The NSCA has relocated its headquarters three times in the past 10 years due to its continued growth. The idea of building a customized facility to accommodate the needs of the growing association was realized and approved by the Board of Directors in 2000.

?This is an excellent opportunity for the NSCA to contribute to the economic development in the area and represent itself as a leader and voice of the strength and conditioning profession,? stated Robert Jursnick, NSCA Executive Director.

The 29,500 square foot building will provide office space for the NSCA?s 28 employees and future staff growth, along with a state-of-the-art strength and conditioning facility, classroom area, and outdoor speed and agility field. The training sections of the building will serve as a learning laboratory for human performance education curriculums, and provide a valuable resource to elite athletes and teams.

?We are excited to put the training facility into action. It will meet the growing professional development needs of both our membership and the industry we serve,? Michael Barnes, NSCA Education Director, said. ?This full service facility will allow our training to range from the traditional classroom style lecture, to the most advanced hands-on learning in the weight room and on the training field.?

Currently, two workshops are scheduled to take place at the new facility in 2004 with more educational opportunities planned for the future.

· June 11-12, 2004 ? Lifting for Power. This symposium is devoted entirely to power. Clinicians will discuss the scientific basis and rationale for power development, muscle physiology, and current methods and exercise techniques used in the field.

· July 30-31, 2004 ? Plyometrics and Speed Development. Helping your athletes and clients reach peak performance is on the top of everyone?s list. This theory and hands-on symposium provides exercise techniques, safety guidelines, and a variety of drills attendees can incorporate into their programs.

For more information on these or other educational opportunities, visit the NSCA web site www.nsca-lift.org

About the NSCA

The National Strength and Conditioning Association is the leading authority on strength and conditioning. For more than 26 years, the NSCA has bridged science and application to provide reliable, research-based, strength and conditioning information to its members and the general public. With nearly 30,000 members worldwide, the NSCA is the largest health and fitness association in the world. For more information on NSCA professional journals, cutting edge conferences, educational text and videos, or other services, visit the web site at www.nsca-lift.org.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Tom Hastings
Title: Director of Marketing
Group: National Strength and Conditioning Association
Dateline: Colorado Springs, CO United States
Direct Phone: 719-632-6722
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