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StopAfib.org American Foundation for Women's Health
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StopAfib.org American Foundation for Women's Health
Dallas, TX United States
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Mellanie True Hills
Greenwood, TX
United States
Contact Phone: 940-466-9898

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American Foundation for Women

StopAfib.org -- one of the most trusted resources for atrial fibrillation patients

Five million Americans suffer from atrial fibrillation, the most common irregular heartbeat. Afib is a frightening condition that can be lethal when it leads to stroke or congestive heart failure.

Mellanie True Hills, founder of StopAfib.org and author of the award-winning book, A Woman's Guide to Saving Her Own Life: The HEART Program for Health and Longevity, suffered from devastating atrial fibrillation. She is now cured, but rather than stand on the sidelines and watch others suffer, she created StopAfib.org to address atrial fibrillation patients' questions and concerns.

StopAfib.org provides afib patients with information about living with, controlling and curing afib. It features an Atrial Fibrillation Services Directory to help afib patients locate hospitals and physicians that provide atrial fibrillation services, including patient reviews of those services.

Though StopAfib.org is part of the American Foundation for Women's Health, it is not just for women, but for anyone?patients, families, and caregivers?dealing with the life-changing impact of atrial fibrillation.

By atrial fibrillation patients,
For atrial fibrillation patients