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Nina Amir -- Nonfiction Book Coach
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Nina Amir -- Nonfiction Book Coach
Los Gatos, CA United States
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Contact Information
Nina Amir
Placitas, NM
United States
Contact Phone: 5055081025
Cell Phone: 408-499-1084
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Nina Amir - Nonfiction Author Coach

Nina Amir, author of How to Blog a Book, The Author Training Manual, and Creative Visualization for Writers, transforms writers into authors. She motivates people from all walks of life to create books that positively impact readers and develop careers as authors. Some of her clients have gone on to sell 300,000+ copies of their books and to land deals with major publishing houses. An Amazon bestselling author, she maintains three blogs, has self-published 18 books and is the founder of the Write Nonfiction in November Challenge.

Amir is a nonfiction book editor, book proposal consultant, author coach, and blog and blog-to-book coach with more than 35 years of experience in the publishing field. She holds a BA in magazine journalism with a concentration in psychology, has edited or written for more than 45 publications producing hundreds of articles and had her work published in five anthologies and several other author's books.

A prolific blogger, Amir writes three blogs. These include Write Nonfiction Now, How to Blog a Book, and As the Spirit Moves Me.

As a book editor, Amir also has a proven track record. One of her clients' books (Enlightened Leadership) was self-published and then purchased and re-released verbatim by Simon & Schuster (Fireside); the book has sold over 300,000 to date. Another (Radical Forgiveness) won the 1998 Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Award (Inspirational category), went on to sell over 115,000 copies, and recently was purchased by Sounds True. Her clients' book proposals regularly get them contracts with agents as well.

Amir speaks about how to get published and become an author. She works with individual aspiring authors and entrepreneurs not only on their manuscripts but how to get their books and other products written most efficiently and on staying inspired as they maneuver their way through the sometimes long and arduous path to becoming published. She also helps them turn their passion and their soul purpose into printed products.

Amir also speaks and writes about self-improvement, human potential and personal growth, and practical spirituality. She is one of the only coaches who work with writers on their mindset.

In all she does, Amir focuses on helping people live their lives fully and manifest their desires -- whether those desires look like written products or something entirely different. She sees herself as an "Everywoman" whose struggles and successes are similar to those of the masses. Therefore, she writes, speaks and teaches from a place of knowing that what has worked for her will at least provide others with a starting place from which to find what works best for them.

Amir lives in Placitas, NM.
