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Firestorm - Crisis Management Experts - Crisis Coaching
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Firestorm - Crisis Management Experts - Crisis Coaching
Atlanta, GA United States
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Contact Information
Robert A. Berman
Columbia, MD
United States
Main Phone: 410-762-0800
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Nationally Recognized. Experienced. Trusted. (800) 321-2219

Firestorm Transforms Crisis into Value

Firestorm® is a nationally recognized leader in Continuity Planning, Critical Decision Support, Crisis Response, Crisis Management, Crisis Communications, Crisis Public Relations, and Consequence Management.

Firestorm?s Predict.Plan.Perform.® process leverages next-generation consulting services, tools and software creating resilient organizations.

Above all, Firestorm believes that a culture of preparedness is the foundation of success. Such a culture centers your organization on sound governance principles of responsibility and accountability. It enables and guides your organization should you face hostile conditions or if your business environment is compromised.

Crisis readiness and enterprise value go hand-in-hand. Both are dynamic, forward-looking and expectations-based.

The ability of management to plan for unexpected, business-compromising situations, and to be effective in turning them around, is more important in driving business recovery than the direct financial consequences of the disaster.

Promoting and enforcing a culture of readiness protects a company's assets.

Firestorm empowers people to manage risk and crises

Firestorm was created on the concept that businesses could dramatically improve their performance and return to their shareholders through detailed vulnerability and threat analysis, planning and practice execution. Firestorm founders Suzanne Loughlin, Jim Satterfield and Harry Rhulen firmly believe that through use of proper strategies and implementation, Firestorm can help transform crisis into value. This concept has become a mission statement for the organization. Many times Firestorm has proven through measurable metrics that a disciplined approach to crisis will result in a far better outcome than what might have been expected.

In the process of working for many corporations, Firestorm came to understand that "every crisis is a human crisis" and that in order for an organization to perform at its highest level, everyone in that organization must understand their part and be prepared. The concept of building disaster ready people is one that is at the heart of what Firestorm does.

The Firestorm founders wrote a book called Disaster Ready People for a Disaster Ready America. This book is designed specifically to help families go through the process of analyzing the vulnerabilities and threats that they face, and developing a plan to protect their home, their loved ones and knowing what to do in the event of an emergency. Firestorm realized early on when helping corporations that "family trumps work every time" and therefore it was essential that employees have a disaster plan at home. If your employees don't show up it does not matter how good the corporate crisis management plans are.

The Firestorm approach is based on the PREDICT.PLAN.PERFORM.® METHODOLOGY. This methodology is simple in concept, and one which invariably improves results when followed. When analyzing any situation, the first step which Firestorm recommends is that an organization or individual analyze the vulnerabilities and threats, as well as the opportunities which are presented. This predictive work allows detailed planning to follow which addresses as many of the concerns as possible.

Execution of the plan should then result in the best outcome. Often, Firestorm displays this methodology in a circular fashion, as once performance has occurred, review of the outcome should result in new predictive results and adjustments to future plans. This methodology is useful even in crisis situations where no previous predictive or planning work has occurred.

Very often, Firestorm is called in to assist in crisis situations. These Crisis Coach? assignments are often high stress environments where management needs assistance as a result of an unexpected occurrence. It is very difficult in these situations for management to make the best possible decision, as they are often too close to the issue and are not following a disciplined approach to resolution. Firestorm can bring a dispassionate viewpoint and a detailed understanding of crisis management to assist in these situations.

Firestorm empowers people to manage risk and crises.