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Jeanette Chasworth -- The Color Whisperer
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Jeanette Chasworth -- The Color Whisperer
Los Angeles, CA United States
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Contact Information
Jeanette Chasworth
Monrovia, CA
United States
Contact Phone: 626 485 6354

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The Color Whisperer, JEANETTE CHASWORTH, has been a practicing interior designer for the last 17 years. Her work has been featured in Arts & Crafts Home magazine and most recently Fabulous Floors. She has been a popular lecturer at University of California Riverside and Mt. San Antonio College, where she presents color psychology as a tool for the ideal lifestyle. In the last year Jeanette Chasworth has taken on a new challenge: to aid homeowners who want harmony in their lives by starting with colors that create balance in their home. Her specialty is designing healing homes with her step by step guide to select colors that: ? Boost your health ? Improve romantic relationships ? Make your food taste better ? Improve your energy In the last year, Jeanette Chasworth released an entertaining guide and handbook that reveals the secret of how to find the ideal color for your home and your life. What?s Color Got to Do With It? (www.thecolorwhisperer.com/) is her first book and magnum opus.