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Dr. Brent Davis -- FlorAlive UNCUT Flower Essences
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Dr. Brent Davis -- FlorAlive UNCUT Flower Essences
Nashville, TN United States
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Welcomes paid invitations to speak.
Will consider all speaking invitations.
Contact Information
Dr. Brent Davis
Lobelville, TN
United States
Main Phone: (931) 329-3131
Contact Phone: (615) 430-1845
Cell Phone: (615) 430-1845

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Dr. Brent Davis -- FlorAlive Flower Essences
Dr. Brent Davis -- FlorAlive Flower Essences
Dr. Brent Davis -- FlorAlive Flower Essences
Dr. Brent Davis -- FlorAlive Flower Essences

The FlorAlive® flower essences act like "Liquid Software For The Mind™", "overwriting" and removing defeating beliefs and memories of trauma from our unconscious mind. When these "inner weights" are removed from one's life, the door to astonishing new possibilities is thrown wide open. www.FlorAlive.com provides great detail.

As the world's only patented flower essences, FlorAlive's UNCUT Flower™ extraction process achieves a much greater level of personal transformation for the consumer as compared to conventional flower essences and other modalities. In 2014 a major book was published which explores the quantum biology and science that can help account for the sometimes miraculous positive changes that consumers report after taking FlorAlive® essences. That book is titled: The Floral Hand of God: Secret Healing Codes of Flowers Revealed. The book has its own website.

Holistic health professionals employ FlorAlive as "Life Coaching in a bottle" to accelerate personal development.