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Dr. Beverly Potter -- Cannabis for Seniors
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Dr. Beverly Potter -- Cannabis for Seniors
Oakland, CA United States
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Dr. Beverly Potter
Oakland, CA
United States
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Dr. Beverly Potter  --  Cannabis for Seniors

 CANNABIS FOR SENIORS -- Seniors is the fastest growing demographic of pot users in the U.S. Cannabis, a once ill-perceived 'street drug', can be a valued asset to Senior wellness, especially when used in conjunction with other physician-recommended forms of therapy. In many cases using cannabis enables Seniors in reducing dependency on narcotic pain meds to avoid opioid addiction—which is becoming an epidemic.  Cannabis is much more than a 'weed' Cannabinoids - chemicals in cannabis - interact synergistically with the endocannabinoid (EC) system in the body to help regulate pain, reduce inflammation, decrease stress, and speed recovery time, as well as elevate mood and optimism - all of which can increase Seniors' quality of life. Pot is becoming the 'pill alternative.'