New Claims of Order to Fire Spur Controversy
A new book on the Kent State killings claims that a sergeant Matthew McManus started
the shooting by issuing an unauthorized order to fire, resulting in the deaths of four
students, the wounding of nine others, and a cover-up that lasted 54 years.
Another author, William A. Gordon (Four Dead in Ohio), believes claims made in
Kent State: An American Tragedy, that McManus gave an order to fire do not begin to
explain why men in another unit, which had already shouldered their rifles, fired at least
67 shots directly at Kent State students.
Here are some questions to ask William Gordon:
1. You say that Van DerMark's book serves the same purpose as your book: it helps point Kent State's scholars in
the direction of the debate. Why, 50+ years later, does the university still have so much trouble Kent State explaining
what Kent State the tragedy was all about? And has the university damaged to the memory of what happened
on May 4, 1970 by mostly avoiding the central issues?
2. (And related) How do you feel about Brian VanDeMark essentially excusing McManus? Should he
have been court-martialed? Should or could McManus be prosecuted at this late date?
3. Were you surprised by the claim that a sergeant gave an unauthorized order to fire, not the general, colonel,
major, and several captains who outranked him?
4. Why does VanDeMark, in virtually every instance, always act as the soldiers' defense attorney?
5. Why does he argue the Guard had the best of intentions, when a majority of Americans felt the students
felt the victims had it coming to them?
6. Does Van DerMark lack what Ernest Hemingway, in his journalistic days, called
"the most essential gift of a good writer is a built-in, shockproof bullshit detector"?
7. Tell me about the newly discovered evidence (a new photograph) buried in the archives that practically
demolishes the Guardsmen's claim of self-defense?
8. Should today's 18-year-olds try to influence foreign policy in the streets?
9. Given that campuses are worried about a new round of protests this spring, what is the likelihood of another
Kent State?
William A. Gordon
New Claims of Order to Fire Spur Controversy
A new book on the Kent State killings claims that a sergeant Matthew McManus started
the shooting by issuing an unauthorized order to fire, resulting in the deaths of four
students, the wounding of nine others, and a cover-up that lasted 54 years.
Another author, William A. Gordon (Four Dead in Ohio), believes claims made in
Kent State: An American Tragedy, that McManus gave an order to fire do not begin to
explain why men in another unit, which had already shouldered their rifles, fired at least
67 shots directly at Kent State students.
Here are some questions to ask William Gordon:
1. You say that Van DerMark's book serves the same purpose as your book: it helps point Kent State's scholars in
the direction of the debate. Why, 50+ years later, does the university still have so much trouble Kent State explaining
what Kent State the tragedy was all about? And has the university damaged to the memory of what happened
on May 4, 1970 by mostly avoiding the central issues?
2. (And related) How do you feel about Brian VanDeMark essentially excusing McManus? Should he
have been court-martialed? Should or could McManus be prosecuted at this late date?
3. Were you surprised by the claim that a sergeant gave an unauthorized order to fire, not the general, colonel,
major, and several captains who outranked him?
4. Why does VanDeMark, in virtually every instance, always act as the soldiers' defense attorney?
5. Why does he argue the Guard had the best of intentions, when a majority of Americans felt the students
felt the victims had it coming to them?
6. Does Van DerMark lack what Ernest Hemingway, in his journalistic days, called
"the most essential gift of a good writer is a built-in, shockproof bullshit detector"?
7. Tell me about the newly discovered evidence (a new photograph) buried in the archives that practically
demolishes the Guardsmen's claim of self-defense?
8. Should today's 18-year-olds try to influence foreign policy in the streets?
9. Given that campuses are worried about a new round of protests this spring, what is the likelihood of another
Kent State?
William A. Gordon
(949) 533-5106