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George H. Hassanzadeh -- Expert in Islamic Matters
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George H. Hassanzadeh -- Expert in Islamic Matters
Los Angeles, CA United States
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George H. Hassanzadeh
Los Angeles, CA
United States
Main Phone: (818) 321-9100

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George H. Hassanzadeh -- Expert in Islamic Matters

George H. Hassanzadeh, born and raised in a Shi'a Muslim family in Iran, is the author of Iran: Harsh Arm of Islam and is a recognized expert in Islam. He is in the process of releasing a series of books illustrating the distorted Shi'a, jihad, and Shari'a Laws practiced by the allegedly infallible Arab Shiite clerics forcing medieval rule and a system of mind control in 21st century Arab and non-Arab nations.

George H. Hassanzadeh is a U.S. Army Veteran and lives in California.

Review of about to be released book, First Comes the Mosque, by George H. Hassanzadeh:

A wide-ranging critique examines Islam, its dominance in Iran, and the threat it poses to the world. Author Hassanzadeh grew up in Iran in a Shiite family and has experienced what he considers its despotic indoctrination firsthand. The principal point of his intriguing study is that Islam only disingenuously presents itself as a religion in the traditional sense of the word, and is better understood as a "a set of harsh and punitive laws made by Arabs solely to crush others" Hassanzadeh traverses an impressively broad stretch of historical and theological terrain in order to demonstrate this, beginning with the very genesis of the Muslim faith, the life and times of Muhammad, limning his transition from a "street preacher in Mecca to the emperor of the sword"

Hassanzadeh's command of the historical and theological materials is notable; his nuanced disentanglement of the Shiite and Sunni Muslim traditions is especially illuminating. In addition, he's finely attuned to religious hypocrisy, the ostentatious expression of virtue that conceals the practice of vice. The author meticulously exposes the duplicity of the corrupt ruling clerical class in Iran.

The author contends that Islam is "inherently violent," prone to the tyrannical domination of its members from its inception. Hassanzadeh also dissects the catastrophe of the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979, and the unfortunate shift from Reza Shah's modernist reforms to Sharia law's blinkered prohibitions. The book concludes with a somber warning regarding the imperialist aspirations of Islam, whose advocates wish to export its authoritarian agenda to the Western world: "Once Shari'a, the core of Arab totalitarianism, is put into practice in any nation, its rules and regulations bind that nation to a caliphate system of government that takes away individual freedom and independence and replaces it with a powerful and often tyrannical Arab cleric as 'caliph for all.' "
                                                                   –  Kirkus Reviews