Michael James Geanoulis, Sr. is a former electronics field engineer, a passionate student of American History and Economics, and a dedicated public servant with a strong interest in social issues. He has a degree in electronics technology from DeVry Technical Institute and a business degree from Southern New Hampshire University. As an engineer, he worked on nuclear submarines for the U.S. Navy and automatic sorting machines for the U.S. Postal Service.
After retiring in 1998, Michael pursued his interest in social issues and economics as a public servant. Over the course of thirty years he served on various New Hampshire agencies such as the Governor's Commission on Child Support, the Strafford County Domestic Violence Coalition, a legislative Task Force on Family Law, and the world's first Commission on the Status of Men. His personal biography, The Big Gorge, details his learning experiences and philosophy. Geanoulis describes himself as a self-appointed, self-taught Jack of Liberal Arts, but master of none. He currently resides in historic New Castle, New Hampshire with his wife Norma.
Media Contact: For a review copy of Amendment 17: A Blessing? Or a Curse? or to arrange an interview with Michael James Geanoulis, Sr., contact Scott Lorenz of Westwind Communications Book Marketing at scottlorenz@westwindcos.com or by phone at 734-667-2090. Follow Lorenz on twitter @abookpublicist