Psychologist, consultant to businesses and professionals, coach and personal guide. Author of four books. Recent book is 'Choose a Better Road:Tips for Life's Traffic Jams'. This is a must read for all. Partner in a psychological practice and owner of
a consulting firm. Presentor at state/national workshops.
Executive/professional coaching, retreats, workshops are
available. Presents live program on the radio every two weeks. KFRU 1400 AM Columbia, Missouri.
Focus is on people bringing positive meaning and
beneficial results to their lives. Challenging, informative and motivating. Likes media presentations. Do not miss out on his latest book for an informative and motivating presentation. Can you answer the questions: 'Are you emotionally capable of being intimate? What two qualities are needed to be an effective parent?' Dr. Mayer has the answers. Call him. A NEW BOOK! "Better Sex through Deeper Emotional Intimacy" has just hit the market on Amazon.com Nine dynamics are presented to help us understand intimacy in our lives. Do you know these dynamics?