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Carolyn Finch -- Body Language Expert
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Carolyn Finch -- Body Language Expert
MIddlebury, CT United States
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Contact Information
Carolyn Finch
Southbury, CT
United States
Contact Phone: 203-725-3133
Cell Phone: 203-512-4798
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Carolyn Finch, MS SLP is an internationally recognized Body Language Expert, speaker, author, health care practitioner and consultant. She combines her expertise from business, education and the medical world with her flair for entertainment to provide her audiences with practical and valuable information in an exciting way. Carolyn?s focus is to help people understand non-verbal communication and how messages are conveyed and interpreted. Carolyn is an Applied Kinesiologist, Nutritionist and Speech/Language Pathologist. She has been in these fields for over 25 years, and therefore has great insight into behavior modification and the brain/body connection. Carolyn educates you as she entertains you?thus she is an Edu-tainer. Carolyn?s high energy and outrageous humor will leave you feeling Electrific. (When the electricity in your body is flowing and you feel TERRIFIC...you are Electrific!) Carolyn is the founder and president of Electrific Solutions, Inc based in Danbury, Connecticut.

Her Website is www.carolynfinch.com.

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