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Dave Roberts, Author: Patriots of Treason
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Dave Roberts, Author: Patriots of Treason
Houston, TX United States
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Scott Lorenz
Plymouth, MI
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HOUSTON, TEXAS -- An action-packed, fast-moving novel addressing the most current challenges facing America today has grabbed the attention of radio show hosts as well as readers and earned critical acclaim from the nation's top reviewers.

Patriots of Treason (ISBN 978-1-936688-36-4, 2012, AKA Publishing, 300 pages, http://www.patriotsoftreason.com Paperback $16.32, Kindle $7.99 and Hardcover $23.69) by David Thomas Roberts is a novel filled with political intrigue, heroes, scumbags, and amazing characters that addresses over-extension of anti-terrorism measures, trampling on the rights of a citizens group, burgeoning federal power, states' rights and Texas secession. 'Patriots of Treason' presents a 'what if' scenario throughout the pages and crescendos to a surprise ending no one would predict,? says Roberts, who is a proud Texan actively involved in politics who has researched Texas history and the issue of secession to great depth. Roberts describes himself as a fiscal conservative bordering on a constitutional libertarian who got tired of complaining about the rapid growth of federal abuse and decided to write a book instead.

Patriots of Treason is so popular among readers that Roberts is in great demand on radio talk shows all over the USA, especially throughout the south and southwest. 'Listeners almost always get excited about secession, which for some reason is controversial for many,' says Roberts. 'I say if we spend billions of dollars in blood and treasure to bring democracy to communist countries and nations led by tyrannical despots why would we ever have a problem with one state wanting to be more independent?' Citizens who believe secession is a treasonous act, adds Roberts, should ask themselves whether Washington, Franklin, Sam and John Adams were traitors for revolting against an oppressive England.

A technology entrepreneur who loves to write, Roberts is already working on a sequel to Patriots of Treason which should be released by Independence Day.

About the Author
David Thomas Roberts, who attended Texas A&M and the University of Texas, is CEO and founder of Teligistics, the leading telecom financial management company in the nation. A resident of Houston, Roberts has lived in Texas since 1966. He has been twice nominated by as Entrepreneur of the Year for the Houston region. He is a Tea Party organizer, member of the NRA, and political activist. He loves Texas music, hunting, fishing, racquetball and bicycling in addition to writing and spending time with his wife, four adult children, and one grandchild.

Media Contact: For a review copy of Patriots of Treason or to schedule an interview with Dave Roberts please contact Scott Lorenz of Westwind Communications Book Marketing, 734-667-2090, scottlorenz@westwindcos.com or http://www.Book-Marketing-Expert.com