Home > NewsRelease > Ultimate “I Can’t Believe It’s Keto” Pizza
Ultimate “I Can’t Believe It’s Keto” Pizza
Dr. Renae Norton --- Eating Disorders Expert Dr. Renae Norton --- Eating Disorders Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Cincinnati, OH
Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Yes, you read it right, Keto pizza. Pizza from scratch in approximately 3o minutes. You can’t beat that! Pizza delivery isn’t even that fast and is nowhere near as healthy.  It’s crispy but chewy, with everything you love about traditional pizza. Here’s what you need to get it going. It’s super simple and will be ready before you know it!


2 cups almond flour

2 tablespoons coconut oil

2 large eggs

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon pizza herbs

1 jar Whole Foods 365 organic pizza sauce

1 lb Grass-fed Ground Beef

a couple garlic cloves

1/2 cup mozzarella cheese

For the crust

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Put flour, coconut oil, 2 large eggs, salt and herbs in a food processor and blend it until it is sticking together.

With wet hands roll it into a ball on parchment paper.

Wet hands is important in the step. The dough will be incredibly STICKY.

Put parchment paper on top and roll it out remove the top piece of parchment paper.

Looking good, Keto pizza shell!

Place the pizza shell with the parchment paper on a flat cookie sheet bake it at 350° for 15 to 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, sauté your grassfed ground beef, garlic and whatever herbs you like (I throw some more pizza herbs in the mix) in coconut oil.

Let’s pause for a moment. I know some of you are looking at the above ceramic crock of “special pizza herbs” and are like, I DON’T HAVE THOSE! Never fear, it’s a blend of oregano, marjoram, thyme and basil. But if you do pizza regularly at home, and want to feel a little fancy, you can find this ceramic crock of herbs at Sur La Table. (And probably Amazon. Amazon sells everything.) Also, just thinking ahead here- awesome stocking stuffer for the foodie in your life!

Back to our Keto pizza masterpiece.

I drain the ground beef mixture so that we don’t make the pizza all soggy from the grease. But you do you, friend. Maybe you like it that way. It’s just one of my pizza tips.

Ding! Oh yes, our pizza crust is cooked. Pull it out and it looks like this.

Look at how beautiful this pizza crust is! I especially love that you get those dough bubbles like traditional flour pizza dough.

Generously spread your pizza sauce. I really like the Whole Foods 365 Brand pizza sauce. There’s no crazy sugar content.

Add your drained grassfed beef and this is what the masterpiece should look like.

Add cheese and bake until the cheese is that lovely golden brown color. (Sometimes I use the broiler to really accelerate this process.)

Voila! Or as they say in Italian, “Eccovi finalmente!”

The crust has 211 cal 19 g of fat a grams of protein 6 g of carbs and net three carbs because I have 3 g of fiber in 1 g of sugar.
Of course, you can use any topping but I would recommend sticking with good proteins and good fats which don’t have any carbs except for 2 net grams per serving from the pizza sauce.

Seriously, just sharing this Keto recipe has made me hungry for leftovers.

-Dr. Norton


Want another great recipe from me? Check out my cauliflower power pizza!

Dr. J. Renae Norton is a clinical psychologist, specializing in the outpatient treatment of eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, bulimarexia, and binge eating disorder (BED), as well as obesity.

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©2018, Dr. J. Renae Norton. This information is intellectual property of Dr. J. Renae Norton. Reproduction and distribution for educational purposes is permissible. Please credit ‘© 2018, Dr. J. Renae Norton. http://www.eatingdisorderpro.com/

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