In today’s episode of the James Taylor Show, we talk about the colour psychology of creativity.
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Word color increases creativity. There was recently a study done by the University of Berlin and the University of British Columbia, they looked at color psychology, how color affects our moods, and our attention levels.
What they discovered was the color red, for example, is the best color to have around you when you do work, which requires high attention to detail.
So when you’re filling in your tax forms, good to have that color red around you because it activates that part of the brain.
But when you’re doing work, which is about ideation, generating ideas, being expansive in your thinking, the best color to have around you is the color green is one of the reasons we get some of our best ideas when we have that color green around us when we’re all walking in nature, for example.
So think about that in your own office environment.
Do you have that color green around you?
Are you looking out on your window on the green space?
Do you have green plants in your office?
If not, maybe what you need to do is to do walk and talk meeting get out of the office, walk with your colleagues in a park nearby to discuss ideas