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Is Healthcare Going to Change in the Future in the Post-COVID-19 Era?
Dan O'Brien, MD -- Innovative Healthcare Technologies Dan O'Brien, MD -- Innovative Healthcare Technologies
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Is Healthcare Going to Change in the Future in the Post-COVID-19 Era?

Dan O'Brien, MD via phone, Zoom or Skype from St. Louis


With social distancing being the byword of the day, people try to avoid lobbies, waiting rooms and any close quarters. But what happens if you are sick and need to go to the doctor? Is there a better way to stay well? Joining us in this discussion is Dr. Dan MD. 


Dr. Dan question: Is healthcare going to change in the a future post-COVID-19 era?

Dr. Dan answer: Absolutely. Healthcare has changed because of COVID-19 and that includes how we use technology like telemedicine. More physicians understand the need to improve access and get to patients who need their help

Dr. Dan question: In the future, do you see more app-based platforms being developed?

Dr. Dan answer: Yes, in the future more digital health platforms will be developed as we now live in digital transformation healthcare world.

Dr. Dan question: In the future, will be need more healthcare workers like doctors, nurses, and public health officials.

Dr. Dan answer: Yes. We learned during the COVID-19 pandemic that there was a shortage of supplies like respirators, masks, and beds, and with that comes a shortage of healthcare workers. This shortage will create a greater need to have more healthcare professionals than ever.

Dr. Dan question: IN the future, would you see an increase in enrollment in medical schools and nursing schools?

Dr. Dan answer: Yes, there needs to be an increase in enrollment as there is an unmet need to create more programs in case another pandemic would occur in the future.

Dr. Dan question: What is your advice to the healthcare workers in order to protect themselves and not be anxious about continuing with their profession because of the risks?

Dr. Dan answer: Medicine is a noble profession and it take courage, the right mind set, and the ability to persist especially in the event of another pandemic.

Dr Dan question: Where may we get more information on you and articles you have written on COVID-19?

Dr. Dan answer: At DrDanMd.com or on Twitter @DrDanMd1

About Dr. Dan O'Brien: 

Dr. Dan is a medical expert for 'the here and now' but he's also a medical Futurist, with specialized knowledge in telemedicine, digital health, robotic technology, gene editing, augmented reality, software technology and A.I.

A physician and professor with a passion for innovative healthcare technologies and public health, Dr. Dan is a popular medical expert with appearances on national Talk Shows including on Fox Television.

Dr. Dan understands the need to improve quality of care, cost, and access in healthcare. As a Chief Medical Officer for multiple healthcare startups and an award-winning scientific and academic leader, Dr. Dan brings substantial experience in public health and healthcare management. 

An award-winning scientific and academic leader, Dr. Dan has worked with several biotech and pharmaceutical companies on increasing awareness, education, and research in many diagnostic and therapeutic fields, including in the biotechnology industry. 

Not only is Dr. Dan is a medical expert for the here and now, but he's also a medical Futurist, with specialized knowledge in nanobots, remote surgery and medical apps with algorithms that can be used in early detection as well as using AI to project the likely spread of disease. 

Dr. Dan has an extensive physician network including relationships with key opinion leaders around the world. He has completed his clinical rotations at Emory University in Atlanta, GA and also has completed a certificate of participation from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. He has an MBA in healthcare management, and a B.A from the University of Notre Dame.

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