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Biden Should Open the Constitution and Find the Second Amendment
Alan Gottlieb -- Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Alan Gottlieb -- Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Bellevue, WA
Monday, June 8, 2020


Television interviews via Skype or Zoom with Alan Gottlieb.

Radio interviews by phone with choice of 4 guest spokesmen.

Intro: Joe Biden has chided the President saying Donald Trump should open the Constitution to to find the First Amendment.


But Alan Gottlieb, founder of Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says Joe Biden should open the Constitution to find the 2nd Amendment.


Joining us is the 'rabble rouser' who dares to defend the right to carry guns in the midst of riots. Welcome Alan Gottlieb. 




  1. Is Joe Biden exhibiting a bit of a double standard by pointing to the First Amendment rights of demonstrators while ignoring the Second Amendment rights of U.S. citizens?


Answer: Yes, if Joe Biden would open the Constitution, he would find the Second Amendment. It's obvious President Trump has already read the Second Amendment, and that Biden and his Democrats wish the Second Amendment right to bare arms did not exist.


  1. Didn't Joe Biden promise that if he wins the Presidency that he would put Beto O'Rourke in charge of his administration's gun control policies?


Answer: Yes, indeed he did, and as we all recall, Beto O'Rourke promised adamantly during the Democrat Debates, "Hell, yes, we're taking away your guns…" 


  1. Does the U.S. Constitution grant the right to protect rioting and looting?


Answer: Of course not. Unlike Biden, the president understands that the First Amendment does not protect looting, vandalism, arson and felony assault disguised as legitimate protest. President Trump hasn't been contributing to a bail fund project to get these criminals out of jail, as have members of Biden's campaign staff, while Biden, himself, would like to see these people released without bail.


  1. How has Biden's promise of releasing violent criminals without bond impacted gun sales?

Answer: It's causing gun sales to boom because people need to protect themselves from criminals being released without bond. Biden's staff is raising money to make sure violent protestors get out of jail free, presumably to do more mischief.


5) What this say about Biden's position on public safety if he were to win the top executive position in the land, charged with enforcing laws?


Answer: His campaign's positions are a bad formula for public safety, but apparently Biden and his crew simply don't get it on the campaign trail and will likely to continue to be willfully ignorant should he win in November.


6) Can you name one or more rioters or pro-riot groups that have been financially supported by the Biden Team?


Answer: A group called the Minnesota Freedom Fund reportedly received contributions from 13 Biden staffers. 

The Freedom Fund reportedly opposes the practice of making people arrested pay cash bail to avoid "pre-trial imprisonment," according to Reuters.


7) It's been reported that a Biden campaign spokesman told Reuters the former vice-president opposes the institution of cash bail altogether, calling it a "modern day debtors prison."

Answer: Yes, Biden doesn't think these anarchists should pay bail at all. 


8) Trump is talking about designating ANTIFA as a terrorist organization. Do you agree with that?


Answer: Yes, and when there are domestic terrorists in your neighborhood, you better be armed, especially when the Biden campaign is turning dangerous rioters loose on personal recognizance, maybe so they can go somewhere else and wreak havoc. 


9) Your organization is the 2nd Amendment Foundation, so does this mean the First Amendment rights or protestors should take a back seat to the Second Amendment?


Answer: We wholly support the First Amendment as much as we advocate for and defend the Second. Amendment. Peaceful, non-violent protest is as much a part of the American fabric as the right to keep and bear arms, but last weekend's violence completely overshadowed such efforts. 

What we saw over the weekend were numerous incidents of violent vandalism, arson, theft and even criminal assault and murder committed by people who have their own agenda that has nothing to do with the tragedy in Minneapolis. Joe Biden and his staff obviously can't tell the good guys from the bad guys.


10: Where may we get more information on The Second Amendment Foundation 


Answer: www.saf.org






Alan is a strong advocate of defense. He's a nuclear engineering graduate of the University of Tennessee, publisher of Gun Week, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and Founder of the Second Amendment Foundation. He also serves on the Board of Directors of the American Conservative Union.


ABOUT MARK WALTERS (in Eastern Time): 


Mark Walters is a national board member of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and a broadcast media spokesman for the Second Amendment Foundation. 


Recipient of the 2015 Gun Rights Defender of the Year Award, Mark Walters is a weekly national columnist for Ammoland, and author of three books, Lessons from Armed America with Kathy Jackson: foreword by Massad Ayoob, Lessons from Unarmed America with Rob Pincus: foreword by Ted Nugent, and Grilling While Armed.  


Mark is the host of two nationally syndicated talk radio programs, Armed American Radio, and Armed American Radio's Daily Defense heard on hundreds of radio stations across the country, six days per week. In addition, 


Mark has appeared on national and international radio and television on gun-related stories and is a popular podium speaker on firearms topics. Mark is a husband and father of two children and resides in Georgia with his family.


ABOUT DAVE WORKMAN (In Pacific Time): 


Dave Workman is an award-winning career journalist and senior editor of TheGunMag.com (formerly Gun Week). 


He also writes for Liberty Park Press, Conservative Firing Line and several firearms periodicals. He is also the communications director for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.


He has authored Op-Ed pieces in several major newspapers including the Chicago Tribune, Seattle Times and Atlanta Journal-Constitution. 


He has also co-authored seven books with Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation.


Workman's beat is firearms, from politics to the outdoors. He is widely considered an authority on firearms, concealed carry and gun politics.




A native of Sutherland Springs, Texas, Stephen Willeford was raised in a family of five on a dairy farm near the First Baptist Church. He is the fourth generation to live on a few hundred acres of land in Wilson County.

Stephen has always relied on his faith to guide his life, and his deep roots in Sutherland Springs are a product of his family's commitment to their community. An avid sportsman, Stephen began shooting at a young age and honed his shooting skills by participating in shooting competitions as he grew older. He made sure his three children were trained in gun safety, passing along his expertise.

After the deadly mass shooting in November 2017, Stephen has become known across the country as the "good guy with a gun." Stephen credits his unwavering faith and penchant for preparedness as to why he was able to step in during this critical incident, believing that each day of his life prepared him for what happened on that Sunday morning.

Stephen has begun speaking publicly about his life and experiences, even delivering a lauded speech at the National Rifle Association Convention in May 2018. Because of his selfless service to his community, Stephen was also an honored guest of members of the Texas delegation at the 2018 State of the Union address in Washington, D.C.

An experienced professional plumber, Stephen earned his license from the Plumbers and Pipefitters Apprenticeship School in San Antonio and has nearly 35 years of experience in his field. In 2018, Governor Greg Abbott appointed Stephen to serve on the Texas Private Security Board. He is a member of the National Rifle Association (NRA), was an NRA-certified instructor and a former assistant scoutmaster with the Boy Scouts of America. Stephen has been married to Pam Farmer Willeford for 30 years and has three children and three grandchildren.


ABOUT TOM GRESHAM (In Central Time): 


Tom Gresham is a spokesman for 2nd Amendment Foundation. He hosts the nationally syndicated weekend radio talk show 'Tom Gresham's Gun Talk,' carried on 266 stations.  He also has created, hosted and directed several television series about guns including Shooting Sports America on ESPN, and Guns and Gear on NBC Sports. An author of several books, Tom has also written thousands of magazine articles about firearms. 




The Second Amendment Foundation (www.saf.org) is the nation's oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms.  Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 650,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control.  


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Name: Jerry McGlothlin
Group: Special Guests
Dateline: Hickory, NC United States
Direct Phone: 919-437-0001
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