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Kamala Harris Wants to Confiscate Your Guns, Veiled and Direct Threats Over Time

Kamala Harris Wants to Confiscate Your Guns, Veiled and Direct Threats Over Time



Guest pitch: Gun Guests Spokesperson with the 2nd Amendment Foundation

Intro: Senator Kamala Harris, VP Candidate with Joe Biden, is now having her various views and activities scrutinized again. One massive issue that concerns those who still espouse Second Amendment rights is Kamala Harris' various veiled and direct threats of outright confiscation of personal firearms. During her run for the Democratic Presidential nomination, Harris said if during her first 100 days in office Congress didn't pass acceptable "mandatory gun buyback" legislation, she would use "Executive Action" to ban guns. This amounts to a single person overriding all institutions, including states, in her bid for "outright gun confiscation" on her own terms.

Even if this starts with so-called Assault weapons, if successful, it could lead to a more widespread gun grab. What's more, with what some perceive as Biden's diminishing intellectual and physical capacity, he might be overly reliant upon others surrounding him. This begs the question: Would a Biden Presidency be a de facto Harris Presidency, with her radical views and those of her supporters channeling through a pliable and confused Joe Biden.    

Harris' public life has been full of contractions; catering the politically well-connected as a prosecutor in San Francisco and ready to smash the rights of regular citizens. Essentially, to use saying from ancient Japan, Senator Kamala Harris has "six-faces and three-hearts" when it comes to her policy positions.   

Q & A: 

1. During the recent unrest, legal gun sales have exploded as police department budgets are slashed and violent organizations continue tearing apart cities with no fear. Senator Harris has expressed a strong interest in gun confiscation, starting with assault weapons. How can law abiding Democrats who recently bought guns support the Biden-Harris ticket?

Answer: These Democratic voters must take a hard look at how all their basic rights, not just to firearms possession, will be curtailed with a Democratic victory. People are frightened for their safety and government institutions controlled by the hard left are targeting their ability to protect their lives and property.   

2. During the campaign Sen. Harris talked about taking Executive Action and ordering "a mandatory gun buyback campaign." This is a euphemism for gun confiscation, can a President get away with such actions in violation of 2nd Amendment rights?

Answer: This is a very confusing area of legal precedence; the Supreme Court has landed on both sides of government control of firearms and obviously any Presidential action will result in numerous legal challenges. .

3. When the Bill of Rights was constructed it was to protect against just the sort of action proposed by Senator Harris; a powerful central government wielding too much power and citizen's power being diminished. But with all left wing policies total control over everything is the ultimate fantasy; speech, diet, transportation and yes guns. Isn't this the final goal? 

Answer: Absolutely, just look at how free speech has already been diminished in public life. People are scared to speak out or the mobs and left wing government officials will target them. Guns are an obvious target because a disarmed population is a population easy to control, they have no defense against well-armed government forces with money and power.  History in the last 150 years has taught us this lesson well.   

4. States and cities with the strictest gun laws, such as Illinois or New York, have the highest violence rates in the nation. Just as higher taxes bring a government less not more money, stricter laws only mean law abiding citizens have less firepower than criminals, who don't buy guns at the gun store. Gang members have their own means of acquiring firearms.

Answer: Absolutely, Chicago has turned into a shooting gallery; parts of Portland are no fly zones for police and now the criminals can really run wild as the police find their hands tied by cowardly politicians. Senator Harris will not stand up to these groups, even if it hurts millions of citizens. The Democratic Party has shifted even more in the last two years and Senator Harris will tolerate the chaos if it gives her more power. The hard left smell blood in the water and won't stop now.  

5. Do we have to differentiate between what are defined as Assault weapons, like the AR-15, and other guns, or is this just one more step in total control?

Answer: They always say this is the only things we want to control, but that is never true, it is just a first step on the road to control. More justifications will be found for the next class of guns and so on and so forth. Senator Harris is just a front woman for the army of radicals ready to stoke up the bureaucracies for action on all fronts. 

How do we find more about you?

Answer: www.saf.org

CONTACT: Rachel Ford rford.specialguests@gmail.com or Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001

100 Other guests and topics: https://SpecialGuests.com/guests-topics/

Tucker Carlson Interview with 2nd Amendment Advocate on Fox News:


ABOUT DAVE WORKMAN (in Pacific Time):

Experienced Senior Editor specializing in firearms-related news and commentary, reviews and technical aspects, with a demonstrated history of working in the civic & social organization industry. Skilled in Copywriting, Politics, Editing, Public Speaking, and Media Relations. Strong media and communication professional with a Bachelor's focused in Journalism from University of Washington.

"Guns are my beat."


Alan is a strong advocate of defense. He's a nuclear engineering graduate of the University of Tennessee, publisher of Gun Week, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and Founder of the Second Amendment Foundation. He also serves on the Board of Directors of the American Conservative Union.

ABOUT MARK WALTERS (in Eastern Time):

Mark Walters is a national board member of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and a broadcast media spokesman for the Second Amendment Foundation.

Recipient of the 2015 Gun Rights Defender of the Year Award, Mark Walters is a weekly national columnist for Ammoland, and author of three books, Lessons from Armed America with Kathy Jackson: foreword by Massad Ayoob, Lessons from Unarmed America with Rob Pincus: foreword by Ted Nugent, and Grilling While Armed. 

Mark is the host of two nationally syndicated talk radio programs, Armed American Radio, and Armed American Radio's Daily Defense heard on hundreds of radio stations across the country, six days per week. In addition,

Mark has appeared on national and international radio and television on gun-related stories and is a popular podium speaker on firearms topics. Mark is a husband and father of two children and resides in Georgia with his family.


Dave Workman is an award-winning career journalist and senior editor of TheGunMag.com (formerly Gun Week).

He also writes for Liberty Park Press, Conservative Firing Line and several firearms periodicals. He is also the communications director for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

He has authored Op-Ed pieces in several major newspapers including the Chicago Tribune, Seattle Times and Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

He has also co-authored seven books with Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation.

Workman's beat is firearms, from politics to the outdoors. He is widely considered an authority on firearms, concealed carry and gun politics.


A native of Sutherland Springs, Texas, Stephen Willeford was raised in a family of five on a dairy farm near the First Baptist Church. He is the fourth generation to live on a few hundred acres of land in Wilson County.

Stephen has always relied on his faith to guide his life, and his deep roots in Sutherland Springs are a product of his family's commitment to their community. An avid sportsman, Stephen began shooting at a young age and honed his shooting skills by participating in shooting competitions as he grew older. He made sure his three children were trained in gun safety, passing along his expertise.

After the deadly mass shooting in November 2017, Stephen has become known across the country as the "good guy with a gun." Stephen credits his unwavering faith and penchant for preparedness as to why he was able to step in during this critical incident, believing that each day of his life prepared him for what happened on that Sunday morning.

Stephen has begun speaking publicly about his life and experiences, even delivering a lauded speech at the National Rifle Association Convention in May 2018. Because of his selfless service to his community, Stephen was also an honored guest of members of the Texas delegation at the 2018 State of the Union address in Washington, D.C.

An experienced professional plumber, Stephen earned his license from the Plumbers and Pipefitters Apprenticeship School in San Antonio and has nearly 35 years of experience in his field. In 2018, Governor Greg Abbott appointed Stephen to serve on the Texas Private Security Board. He is a member of the National Rifle Association (NRA), was an NRA-certified instructor and a former assistant scoutmaster with the Boy Scouts of America. Stephen has been married to Pam Farmer Willeford for 30 years and has three children and three grandchildren.

ABOUT TOM GRESHAM (In Central Time):

Tom Gresham is a spokesman for 2nd Amendment Foundation. He hosts the nationally syndicated weekend radio talk show 'Tom Gresham's Gun Talk,' carried on 266 stations.  He also has created, hosted and directed several television series about guns including Shooting Sports America on ESPN, and Guns and Gear on NBC Sports. An author of several books, Tom has also written thousands of magazine articles about firearms.


Veteran grassroots gun rights organizer Glen Caroline is the Director of External Affairs for the Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

With 29 years of frontline experience in the Second Amendment movement, Caroline spearheads grassroots and training programs for both organizations. Glen comes to the SAF/CCRKBA after serving for years as managing director of the National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative Action Grassroots Programs and Campaign Field Operations division. Glen's entire professional life has been dedicated to the cause of the Second Amendment and the preservation of Americans' liberties.


The Second Amendment Foundation (www.saf.org) is the nation's oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms.  Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 650,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control. 

100 Other guests and topics: https://SpecialGuests.com/guests-topics/

CONTACT: Rachel Ford rford.specialguests@gmail.com or Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Jerry McGlothlin
Group: Special Guests
Dateline: Hickory, NC United States
Direct Phone: 919-437-0001
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