Friday, July 16, 2021
Prouty's experience with military presidential protection duties
Allegation #6: "I have worked with military presidential protection units."
Here is an excerpt from Prouty's book.
Fletcher Prouty, JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy, p. 294
"I had worked on what is called, 'Presidential Protection."
Here is the paragraph from Prouty's introduction to Mark Lane's book, Plausible Denial:
Prouty Introduction, Plausible Denial by Mark Lane, page xv.
Here are some excerpts from Fletcher Prouty's testimony to the ARRB: [emphasis added]
Gunn: For the office at Fort Myer: was that some -- is that headquarters for Army or some other form of intelligence, or is that something like liaison with the Secret Service? I'm not understanding what the office oversees.
Prouty; My feeling is, and it never occurred to me to ask them in detail -- because I didn't have any reason to -- is that it was an Army function, and that it was done in conjunction with [the] Secret Service. I assume [the] Secret Service would have been considered the senior party when the two work together; but that's purely by function. Quite frankly, other than knowing that Presidential protection existed, that's about all I was required to know. Because if they called for something, they'd want me to know who the hell they were. And that was very, very rare. The only time I was ever personally involved -- and I think that was just for familiarization early in my assignment in this work -- was when I went to Mexico City [in 1955]. And that was pretty complete. I was quite amazed, personally, because I didn't realize they'd go down weeks ahead of time, set up things ahead of time, worked the route with the Mexicans ... [it was a] very involved, a very detailed thing. That was my first and last course with them -- Mexico City.
Wray: You said that -- in your book at one point -- that you had worked with these units in the past. I'm just trying that to what you said now. [Do] you mean -- when you'd worked with them in the past -- this is like, your contact with the people at Fort Myer, as opposed to actually working with them in an operational sense.?
Prouty: No, what I meant was the trip to Mexico City.
Wray: Oh, the trip to Mexico City.
Prouty: That was the only one I ever went on. And I wanted to go -- and they wanted me to go -- to see what the system was. So I actually got the airplane and I flew the airplane to Mexico City for them.
Prouty is asked if there were military protection units or personnel on this flight.
Wray: On the trip to Mexico City, you made it clear that you worked with Secret Service people on the advance there. Were military protection people -- like, from these military protection units -- were they along on that trip as well?
Prouty: You know, that -- again, is a good point. The only person I knew on it was a Secret Service man. No, I didn't know this ... he never talked about the military at all, that I can recall. Of course, that was ... my God, that was ... a good long time ago ... the object he .... what they had when they said take [me] down was, he said, they wanted me to know what they do. Period. And I went down there.
Result or conclusion by ARRB: It appears from Prouty's statements during the interview that the extent of his experience is one trip in 1955.
Previous Relevant Posts on Fletcher Prouty
Fletcher Prouty Talks to the ARRB
A summary document of his interview with the ARRB
Fletcher Prouty and Army Intelligence in Dallas
Another summary document from the ARRB about Prouty's allegations and army intelligence.
Was Fletcher Prouty an Antisemite?
Prouty had some very unsavory relationships with antisemitic groups.
Fletcher Prouty's Interview with the ARRB, Part One
Was Fletcher Prouty's Trip to Antarctica Unusual?
Fletcher Prouty's Interview with the ARRB, Part Two
Regarding Christchurch, New Zealand and The Christchurch Star
Fletcher Prouty's Interview with the ARRB, Part Three
Regarding the 112th Intelligence Corps (INTC) Group and/or the 316th INTC Detachment
Fletcher Prouty's Interview with the ARRB, Part Four
Did Prouty Keep the notes from his supposed phone call about army intelligence?