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Design your home as therapy.
Jeanette Chasworth -- The Color Whisperer Jeanette Chasworth -- The Color Whisperer
Los Angeles, CA
Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Our lives are filled with joy and laughter, but also unexpected trials and tribulations.  Without realizing it, these times of sadness attach themselves to our living spaces. As time passes, our house becomes, in a way, 'haunted'. 

We've all been acquainted with the fear, darkness, and gloom that comes from "spirits" that find themselves trapped in our homes.  Even without actual ghosts, we find ourselves living in the very essence of a haunted house.  Have you noticed that you or others no longer use a room in your house?  Do you find reasons to avoid being home altogether? Fortunately, there is a way to "exorcise" them from your home.  

Just as people might use a therapist to help rid their minds of the things that get in their way and hold them down, you can also provide therapy for your home.  "Design therapy" is a profound and powerful way to cleanse your living space, restoring joy and and making creativity possible once more.  I'm not talking about burning incense, or bringing a priest into the house, but making changes to your home that provide a full rejuvenation.

What does "Design Therapy" look like for a sad or angry home? The quickest dose of design therapy is to change your paint colors.  Dated or incorrect paint colors do not reflect the personality of the homeowner or even the house! The wrong color can literally antagonize or drain your energy.  For instance, Craftsman houses (and their owners) will be suffocated by all-white walls, but natural, earthy colors will provide passion and warmth, harmonizing with the natural wood tones in the home. 


Change the window treatments and give a new feel to the room and that can brighten spirits all around. 

Another tactic to dispel the lingering spirits is to simply to declutter.  Your home should only display what you truly love.  One of the common problems I hear is "I can't get rid of it – it was a gift."  Following this idea does nothing but keep your house haunted. I give you permission, starting today, to tell your friends and relatives that I said that 'ghost' in your living room, on your table, or hanging on your wall, just had to go!  Blame me – your designer said so!

These winds of the harvest season are all about cleansing.  Cleanse your home to cleanse yourself.  By freeing these trapped sad memories, you will be allowing fresh and liberating life into your experience.


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Name: Jeanette Chasworth
Dateline: Monrovia, CA United States
Direct Phone: 626 485 6354
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