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Why Change Anything in Our Lives?
Michael J. Mayer -- Licensed Psychologist - Consultant Michael J. Mayer -- Licensed Psychologist - Consultant
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Columbia, MO
Friday, August 27, 2021


Is self-evaluation a good thing and who sets the standards on how we judge ourselves? What is an acceptable standard to live by? What questions do we need to ask ourselves and do we take time to think about these questions? Learn more here…

Visit http://mikemayer.com/blog/ to listen to the podcasts.



The mission of the podcasts on www.MikeMayer.com is to inform the general audiences listening to these popular radio broadcasts of good mental health practices which include ten minute discussions on such topics as bullying, confidentiality, trust, intimacy, use of time, loneliness, conflicts and many more. There is something for everyone to learn by listening to these free podcasts.  Go to the homepage of the web site listed above and click on Everyday Psychological Concerns with Dr. Mayer. Use what you hear to improve your life and the lives of those around you.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Michael J. Mayer
Title: Psychologist/Consultant
Group: Michael J. Mayer -- Licensed Psychologist/Consultant
Dateline: Columbia, MO United States
Direct Phone: 573-443-1177
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