For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Georgetown,
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
published on Christopher Gilbert, PhD, Author of 'The Noble Edge,' Interviewed by Dick Yoder on WCBC Radio Washington, DC: Every moment of our lives, we make choices. Some of our choices can change the world, and some of our choices only change one moment of the day, but each choice we make has the potential to change the world for the better. What would happen if you could trust yourself to make good, moral choices all the time? What would happen if you could trust those around you to make good, moral choices all the time? How much happier and fulfilled would we be as a society?These are the questions that Christopher Gilbert, PhD, tackles in his new book, 'The Noble Edge: Reclaiming an Ethical World One Choice at a Time.'In this increasingly toxic moral era, trust and authenticity grow more precious by the minute. The truth is that our most rewarding business, personal, and family relationships are founded on honesty. The Noble Edge invites readers into an inspirational conversation about building trust that is spiced with personal stories, humorous anecdotes, and invaluable guidance. “Wow! I couldn’t put it down. The book is brilliant, inspiring, filled with humor that informs and amazing personal stories. If I were still Dean of the USC Law School, I would assign it to every student.” —The Honorable Dorothy Nelson, Past Dean, University of Southern California Law School, Retired Chair of the United States Baha’i National Spiritual Assembly“The important ethical issues of today are not found in arguing about which schoolyard bully is the most unethical,” says Gilbert. “That’s the smoke in the moral room. The fire is our misguided belief that ‘good’ people make the good decisions and ‘bad’ people make the unethical ones, when we all go up and down the moral ladder every day.” Christopher Gilbert has a PhD in Organization and Management, specializing in Leadership Ethics. He is a co-founder of NobleEdge Consulting and has worked with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on food security and human capacity development programs in sub-Saharan Africa.The Noble Edge is as useful in the board room as it is in the family room, and it contains a powerful model that sharpens the ethical lens and empowers readers to apply nine transformational concepts for bringing better ethics into their relationships, organizations, communities and the world.“Ethics isn’t about information, it’s about transformation,” says Gilbert. “We need a national conversation about what it means to do right in business and in life despite the personal, professional, and social pressures to ignore what is right in favor of what passes for ‘success’.”
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