Home > NewsRelease > Top Ten Twitter Tweets of September 18, 2021
Top Ten Twitter Tweets of September 18, 2021
Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Denver, CO
Saturday, September 18, 2021


Good Authoring Day to YOU               

Happy Saturday to you …

This past week has been all consuming with all the final preparations for the Authors Hall of Fame event … and tonight is the night for the Induction for the Authors’ Hall of Fame Induction. Sixteen awesome and lifechanging authors will be honored. It will be an amazing evening … wish you were here.

It’s #Caturday post time. When writing nonfiction, bring forth the years of your experiences—both successes and failures. When writing fiction, let those years flow through your storytelling.

That’s my past week … how about you … what are you up to?

Friday mornings are the place to be with other authors! I love the Friday coaching that happens early each Friday AM. I always have a “new tip” for the group, then it opens up to “catch up” and “asks”. Become a subscriber so you can get 

Friday Coaching for less than a weekly glass of wine; for less than a weekly Bacon, Egg & Cheese Biscuit – Combo at Chick-fil-A; for less than 3 movie tickets! ALERT …we do this on Zoom … you need to connect with me. Only $27 a month—limited amount of subscribers allowed. We gather via Zoom at 7 AM. The dress? Totally casual. Get on board –it’s fun and informative … and you get all questions answered. This is for any author anywhere! 

Register here: http://bit.ly/FridayCoaching 

THIS WEEK on Author YOU Your Guide to Book Publishing, the theme is always author, writing, and publishing success. Thursday’s show added insights on how to write via the wisdom of Marilyn Van Derbur. Her memoir and it’s impact on millions. Take advantage of it—just an hour of your time:

Listen in to this podcast with host Judith Briles via http://bit.ly/BookPublishingPodcast.
Tune in for the LIVE show at 6 ET, 5 CT, 4 MT, 3 PT and for our out-of-the-country members and followers … you are going to have to do the clock crunching for your time zone at http://bit.ly/BookPublishing-iTunes.

OR … just go to http://bit.ly/BookPublishingPodcast. With over 8 million downloaded podcasts to select from, the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast has experienced over 8,000,000 listeners … you are in good company! 

Here are your Top Ten Tweet for the past week 

Tweets are faster than a speeding bird … below are The Book Shepherd’s® Top Ten Tweets from the past week that you may have missed …

Author, Publishing and Resource Success

  • Get ready to learn lots about the cryto currency world and how authors can use it in a variety of ways. Podcast via @JudithBriles @mybookshepherd @danielhall tells all. bit.ly/BookPublishing… #selfpublishing #authors #books #JudithBriles #authorsuccess

  • Why visualizing images is so important for young readers, and how to foster the skill | @washingtonpost bit.ly/3sT5JLh

  • How One Working Mom Is Creating Books About Inclusivity And Diversity Around Disability | @Forbes bit.ly/3gEpJft

 Social Media and Marketing Strategies 

  • The Writer’s Digest team has witnessed many writing mistakes over the years, so we started this series to help identify them for other authors (along with correction strategies). This week’s mistake is labeling your book with an inaccurate genre. hubs.ly/H0X60pJ0

  • Social media is a cost-effective way to keep your customers up-to-date and maintain a connection with your customers. Not sure if social media is right for your business? Check this out! pegfitzpatrick.com/why-small-busi… #smallbizsocial

  • You can find links to some super helpful #BookMarketingArticles listed on one page of #TheNewBookReview blog, so no need to go fishing. @FrugalBookPromo @WiseOwlFactory ow.ly/wvrb30rOq7b

Writers & Writing

  • Author Anne Youngson’s new start after 60: ‘I always dreamed of being a writer – and published my first novel at 70’ | @guardian bit.ly/3BnEjAd

  • Here are the top writing websites just for fun as identified in the 23rd Annual 101 Best Websites from the May/June 2021 issue of Writer’s Digest. hubs.li/H0WJpGH0

  •  Creativity has potholes. Publishing success can be held at bay. Get ready to cross the line via sci-fi powerhouse Kevin J Anderson Podcast via @TheKJA @JudithBriles @mybookshepherd. bit.ly/BookPublishing… #selfpublishing #authors #scifi #JudithBriles #amwriting

Cool Things, FUN Things & OMG Moments

  • How cool is this … ?! Love it … Book Towns are thriving around the world. In Scotland, one town is giving visitors the keys to their own bookshop | @FT pwne.ws/3zzY3zP #bookstores #authors #amreading #amwriting @JudithBriles

Remember … you can listen to over 300+ programs that AuthorYOU Founder Judith Briles has created for your book and authoring success: http://tinyurl.com/AuthorURadio , scroll down and click on any of the past shows—just click and you are instantly there! Or you, subscribe directly on iTunes: http://ow.ly/QO0oK 


©2021 Judith Briles – The Book Shepherd™ All Rights Reserved.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Dr. Judith Briles
Group: The Book Shepherd
Dateline: Aurora, CO United States
Direct Phone: 303-885-2207
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