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Moving- recreating home
Jeanette Chasworth -- The Color Whisperer Jeanette Chasworth -- The Color Whisperer
Los Angeles, CA
Wednesday, October 6, 2021


Moving - Recreating Home

It seems like so many people are moving.  The housing market is hotter than ever.  Low-interest rates are a big part of that.

People are moving for lots of reasons: work, politics, change of lifestyle, retiring, better schools, getting closer to family, and many more reasons.

Whatever the reason, the roads are full of moving vans filled with cherished possessions and new dreams.

When they get there it's time for a new beginning.  New life, new hopes, new dreams.

How does the furniture from the old life fit into the new one?  Where do you put your furniture to get the best outcome?

How do you style it?  A common question I see on social media.

The thing is there are hundreds of ways to style something. The real question is: "How do I style this for me?

There's an easy way to get that answer. 

Most people aren't real clear on exactly what THEIR style looks like.  Each of us has our own personal design blueprint.  This blueprint gives the elements that energize us in every part of life. The patterns that inspire us, the colors that calm us, the shapes that reflect our energy and the styles that will give us that feeling of "home". 

Once you know the key ingredients to your blueprint, you use it to decorate your home or anything in your life.  This creates a home that empowers you, nurtures you, and calms you. 

If you are moving, you are creating a new life.  Let's create one that nurtures you. Get your blueprint and let's create together.  Bit.ly/homequerries


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Name: Jeanette Chasworth
Dateline: Monrovia, CA United States
Direct Phone: 626 485 6354
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