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Is Your Valentine the Cheating Kind?
Ruth Houston - Infidelity Expert Ruth Houston - Infidelity Expert
New York, NY
Friday, February 11, 2022

Find out if your man is a potential cheater who will one day break your heart. Learn what to do and what precautions to take.

Numerous infidelity studies reveal that most cheating men have certain things in common. There are specific things in a man's background, his past history, or certain personality traits which indicate that he may be predisposed to cheating on his mate.

Is your husband or boyfriend one of these men? If he is, you certainly deserve to know, and there's a reliable way to find out.

How to Find Out

The 7-question Potential Cheater Quiz in Will He Cheat on You? is a short, but accurate quiz that exposes men who are likely to cheat on their mates.

Designed by Infidelity Expert Ruth Houston, who has appeared on over 520 radio and TV talk shows worldwide, and was frequently called on by the media to comment on infidelity issues in the news, the 7 critical questions in the Potential Cheater Quiz will help a woman quickly determine if her spouse or significant other is the "cheating kind."

About the Potential Cheater Quiz in Will He Cheat on You?

The Potential Cheater Quiz is based on is based on years of infidelity research which includes well over 10,000 interviews with marriage counselors, infidelity investigators, psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, divorce attorneys, and other professionals in the field, as well as male and female cheaters and victims of infidelity.  

Houston, who is also the author the popular infidelity book Is He Cheating on You?  829 Telltale Signs, firmly believes it's in every woman's best interest to know if her man is a potential cheater – if he's likely to cheat on her one day. 

Why You Need to Know if He's Likely to Cheat on You

"Knowing that her spouse or significant other is prone to infidelity puts a woman ahead of the game, " says Houston, "because there are precautions she can take to decrease the likelihood that he will actually have an affair."

Houston explains, "There are also protective measures a woman can put in place to minimize the damage infidelity can do if she chooses to remain in the relationship and her spouse or significant other actually does cheat on her one day."

"No woman wants to be caught by surprise in a situation like this, Houston, who says that the quiz was specifically designed to keep unsuspecting women from being blindsided by infidelity, and subjected to unnecessary hurt, heartbreak and humiliation"

Is your Valentine the cheating kind?

Is he likely to cheat on you one day and break your heart?

Find out before it's too late. 

You can't afford to be the last to know.

What You Need to Do Now

Before you invest time, energy and emotions in a marriage or relationship that's likely to end in unforeseen infidelity, get a copy of Will He Cheat on You? ($7.99 at Amazon.com) and take the Potential Cheater Quiz so you'll know what to expect. 

#Valentine'sDay    #Infidelity    #CheatingHusband    #CheatingBoyfriend  #WilHeCheatOnYou

New York-based infidelity expert Ruth Houston is the founder of www.InfidelityAdvice.com and the author of Is He Cheating on You? 829 Telltale Signs which documents practically every known sign of infidelity, including the subtle signs people usually overlook. Houston is also the author of  Will He Cheat on You?

Ruth has been researching and writing about infidelity for over 20 years. As an internationally-recognized infidelity expert, Ruth was frequently called on by the media to comment on infidelity issues in the news and has appeared on The Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, CBS, ABC News, Fox News, NBC, CBC, BBC, NPR and over 520 other radio and TV news and talk shows in the United States, Canada, Europe, South America, New Zealand, Australia, Africa, and the Caribbean. Ruth has also been quoted in USA Today, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health and numerous other print and online media worldwide.

To interview infidelity expert Ruth Houston, or book her as a speaker for your next event, call 718 708-9799 (cell phone), or e-mail InfidelityExpert@gmail.com

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Name: Ruth Houston
Group: Lifestyle Publications
Dateline: Elmhurst, NY United States
Direct Phone: 718-708-9799
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