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Scott Lorenz, Book Publicist & Author of ‘Book Title Generator,’ Featured on Michigan Entrepreneur TV
Book Title Generator Book Title Generator
Plymouth, MI
Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Scott Lorenz, Book Publicist & Author of ‘Book Title Generator,’ Featured on Michigan Entrepreneur TV

Plymouth, MI—Scott Lorenz, book publicist, President of Westwind Book Marketing and author of Book Title Generator: A Proven System in Naming Your Book, was recently interviewed on Michigan Entrepreneur TV by Tara Kachaturoff.

"People asked me to write a book about book marketing, but the tactics change every few months," says Lorenz. "What works today won't work tomorrow. I wanted a book that was fairly timeless since the most important part of a book, besides writing a good book, is to have a memorable title. So, I created a step-by-step process in selecting a title and put that in my book."

"This is an amazing book," said Kachaturoff during the interview. "It is excellent, and since I work in this area with my clients, and have written a couple of books, I know how important this is, and the book is phenomenal. It is so good and covers so much" she concluded emphatically.

Watch the entire interview at https://bit.ly/ScottLorenz_Book_Publicist_EntrepreneurTV

Book Title Generator has received dozens of awards in numerous categories ranging from writing and publishing to business and marketing. The awards include: The Independent Author Network Award, Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, eLit Award, Literary Titan Book Award, Royal Dragonfly Award, American Book Fest, Book Readers Appreciation, Wishing Shelf, The New England Book Festival, Firebird Book Awards, New York Book Festival, San Francisco Book Festival, The Presidents Book Award, IPPY Book Award, Next Generation Award, AXIOM Business Book Award, Book Excellence Award, AMG International, PenCraft Book Achievement, Book of the Year Award, Best Book Award, B.R.A.G. Medallion, FAPA's President's Silver Award and the International Book Award.  

Lorenz offers this sage advice: "If you take the time and utilize the tools laid out for you here and choose the right search engine-optimized title, your book will have an inside edge in turning big sales at the top of the Amazon rankings. Choose the wrong title and your book languishes in obscurity."

Readers of the book are equally impressed and have this to say about Book Title Generator:

"Bottom line: this is a compilation of clever ideas from a highly-experienced book publicist. Even the most experienced author will benefit from them." —Richard B. Schwartz, Amazon Top 500 Reviewer, Top Contributor, 5-Stars

"I particularly enjoyed his analysis on the effectiveness of idioms, alliteration, and metaphors in developing effective book titles. I recommend the book to both new and experienced authors." —Barbara Mojica, Amazon Top 1000 Reviewer, Top Contributor, 5-Stars

"This is an indispensable, first rate adjunct to the art of writing – and selling- your book. The goal: discoverability! Very highly recommended." —Grady Harp, Amazon Top 50 Hall of Fame Reviewer, 5-Stars

"Book Publicist Scott Lorenz gives you the ABCs and XYZs of picking the perfect title for that book you have put your heart into. It's required reading for aspiring or experienced writers." —John Kelly, Detroit Free Press, 5 Stars

"I am an author, and I have been writing for over 10 years. This book is exactly what I have been looking for all this time. Scott Lorenz understands the creative side while delving into the marketing side of naming a book. It explains how to set yourself up for success." —Iris, Amazon reviewer, 5 Stars

Lorenz lays out a multi-prong strategy urging the use of high-tech tools, researching bestsellers by genre and choosing "title keywords" which get a book ranked on search engines and Amazon. Having seen and experienced the pitfalls of book marketing, Lorenz thoughtfully ushers authors through the maze of numbers, alliterations, idioms, keywords and everything else which has to be considered in the quest for the perfect book title.

The book is available on Amazon in ebook for Kindle, paperback and as an audiobook. Find out more at: www.BookTitleGenerator.net Watch the book trailer here: https://bit.ly/BookTitleGeneratorTrailer Listen to a sample of the audiobook here: http://bit.ly/AudioSampleBookTitleGen

Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Book Marketing, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it's their first book or their 15th book.

He's handled publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman's World, & Howard Stern to name a few.

Learn more about Westwind Communications' book marketing approach at https://www.Book-Marketing-Expert.com/ or contact Lorenz at scottlorenz@westwindcos.com or by phone at 734-667-2090. Join the 45K+ authors and writers who follow Lorenz on Twitter @aBookPublicist

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Name: Scott Lorenz
Group: Westwind Communications
Dateline: Plymouth, MI United States
Direct Phone: 734-667-2090
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