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Immigration – Luxury Citification --- Book Publicity.
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Wednesday, December 14, 2022


Immigration – Luxury Citification --- Book Publicity.

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Schumer Must Get-a-Grip in Lame Duck Congress

Peggy Sands Orchowski -- Immigration Expert

It's Get-a-Grip Time Schumer in Lame Duck Congress

By Peggy Orchowski

Whatever is Senate Leader Chuck Schumer (NY) thinking?

In 2009 Senator Schumer said repeatedly: "Americans love legal immigrants; they just don't want illegal immigration. Immigration laws must be enforced," He said it emphatically at a Georgetown Law School Immigration and Law event that I was covering as a Congressional Correspondent for the Hispanic Outlook magazine, when he was taking over the senate judiciary/immigration committee seat for the recently deceased Ted Kennedy. Most all Senators including Democrats agreed with him

But just before Thanksgiving 2022, the now two term, Senate Leader Schumer announced at a Latino event that "all 11 million or however many there are undocumented immigrants (that is, migrants living and working in the United States without authorization and hence illegally) must be legalized by the lame duck 117th Democratic congress in the next six weeks or it won't happen for a decade. That includes millions of foreign nationals who came into the country legally on TEMPORARY permits like student, visitor, work H1As and Bs, and then overstayed them -- making them now illegally in the country.

Schumer said it included the some 600,000 recipients of temporary 2-year DACA waivers from deportation that President Obama ordered during a rough re-election campaign in 2012 (the Democratic-only Hispanic Congressional Congress threatened to withhold campaign contributions unless he legalized some of the millions of young adults who had come into the US before the age of 16 before 2007). Today's Schumer also includes the 2 million people from all over the world who have crossed the border illegally since 2020; and the millions more who have crossed without being caught, or who tried to cross and couldm't and even millions who have been deported.

Peggy Sands Orchowski



See the full news release here:


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Positive Luxury Announces the Launch of The Connected Butterfly Mark

The New Digital Certification Enables Organizations to Demonstrate Their ESG+ Sustainability Performance Helping Consumers to Make Conscious Purchase Decisions in Just One Click

Positive Luxury, the company dedicated to driving sustainability for the global luxury industry for over a decade, announces the launch of the Connected Butterfly Mark. The original Butterfly Mark certification was launched in 2011 exclusively for luxury brands, and today is a globally respected trust mark providing independently verified evidence of ESG+ (environmental, social, governance, and innovation) performance to stakeholders – consumers, customers, employees, regulators, shareholders, and investors – of luxury brands, retailers and suppliers.

Their new digital Connected Butterfly Mark will enable businesses to demonstrate their sustainability efforts directly to their consumers and stakeholders with data-led transparency and confidence.

An industry first, companies such as Tom Ford Beauty, Smythson, Anya Hindmarch, Etro, 111Skin, and many more have been signing up to adopt this exciting new technology. The certification gives power to consumers who can shop with complete transparency with a smartphone tap – quickly accessing a company's ESG+ profile.

What is the Connected Butterfly Mark?

The new Connected Butterfly Mark enables organizations to demonstrate verified ESG+ and Sustainability performance. In addition, the mark provides a high level of confidence to stakeholders that the brand is taking quantifiable and measured steps towards the highest standard of ESG+ performance. Physical and digital touchpoints include websites, social channels, advertising, products, packaging, in-store and window POS, sustainability reports, and employee handbooks - via widget, QR code, NFC tag, or hyperlink.

Amore Philip


Cell: 347-683-6626


See Press Room at: https://www.expertclick.com/ex/SustainabilityandESGExpert

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Unlimited Legacies through Age Brilliantly Charities

Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D. -- Age Brilliantly

Platform Facilitates Contributing to the Charities You Support

New York, NY – Thanksgiving, Nov. 24, 2022 – Age Brilliantly members understand that one way of leading a fulfilling 100-year life is to share with people who are less fortunate and organizations who provide support, research and leadership for the causes that you champion. For that reason, as the holidays and tax-planning inspire people to share with others, Age Brilliantly is rolling out a portal, AgeBrilliantlyCharities.org, which facilitates your ability to donate to some of the 1000+ charities that you support.

"There are many charitable mission-focused organizations providing support, research and other services to make the world a better place, promote their favorite causes," observed Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D. Age Brilliantly CEO and CLO. "By offering a portal, it's easy to decide on the size of the contribution you want to make and donate appropriately to the many charities that you and your family support." Age Brilliantly(.org) is an interactional platform for adults of all ages who want to maximize their ability

to lead healthy, fulfilling 100+-year lives. Peers, experts, and service providers share information, inspiration, support, tools and resources with which to make better aging-related decisions.

"The gift of longevity and science enables some adults today, and most children in the future, to lead unlimited lives and legacies." said Dr. Cahn. "Rather than follow traditions created a century ago when life-spans were shorter (e.g., 60s) and people stopped working (i.e., retire) to still enjoy a few years of leisure, we believe that the extra 20-40 years is not added to that "last stage of life". Instead, adulthood is elongated, and you can spend the 80 adult years in whatever ways you believe generate a fulfilling life.

Engage in your passions and purposes throughout life, as you participate in several careers and significant relationships in possibly several homes. Include time for learning, travel, leisure, and self-reflection for goal-reorientation throughout the journey."

Dr. Cahn concluded, "Warren Buffet once said that 'it doesn't make sense' to put things off. We agree. The pandemic clearly demonstrated to people that people want to lead an integrated, holistic, fulfilling life. One small way we can help is to make it easier for people to make their charitable contributions to make the world a better place while they're learning how to take charge of their own futures."

For more information:

Visit AgeBrilliantlyCharities.org. Contact Dr. Jerry Cahn at jcahn@agebrilliantly.org.

Visit AgeBrilliantly.org to join the movement to learn about upcoming 2023 educational programs.

See press room and phone at: https://www.expertclick.com/ex/Age-Brilliantly

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Book Publicists of Southern California

27th Annual Irwin Awards and Holiday Celebration Wed Dec 14 at 7-9 PM Pacific Time:

27th Annual Irwin Awards

and Holiday Celebration

Wed Dec 14 at 7-9 PM

On Zoom

Zoom Link:

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83517024871?pwd=WHhwR3ZUcTlEdEF5Y0dBeE11S29VUT09 Meeting ID: 835 1702 4871 Passcode: 761250

Featured Winners Include:

Michael J. Herman For Best Genre Series

Edward Lozzi For Best Celebrity Campaign

Olympia LePoint For best Self-Help Science Education

Dr. Jeffrey Benton DC CTN For Best Self-Help Psychology

John J. Carroll, PsyD For Best Sports Psychology

Evans & Rogers For best Music and Mystery.


"A minute or two with Melinda Sue"

featuring Dr. Melinda Sue Norin

Hosted by Book Publicists President Bruce Braunstein

Coordinated by Robin Quinn & Ina Hillebrandt

Looking forward to seeing you at the next meeting.

Bruce Braunstein


Book Publicists of Southern California

357 S. Fairfax #232 Los Angeles CA 90036

See the press room at: https://www.expertclick.com/ex/Book-Publicity

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Direct Phone: 202-333-5000
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