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#1 Press Release Writing Mistake: No keywords
Joan Stewart -- Publicity Expert Joan Stewart -- Publicity Expert
Port Washington, WI
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Publicity Hound
Writers can use these 5 tips so that their optimized press releases pull more traffic, redirect that traffic to their websites, and turn website visitors into customers. They can learn how to write a press release using keywords by signing up for a teleseminar Oct. 21. SEO expert Janet Thaeler will be the guest.

Port Washington, WI (PRWEB) October 14, 2009 – Press release writers who don't use keywords within their copy are making a mistake, says publicity expert Joan Stewart. Her new teleseminar teaches writers how to write a press release that pulls targeted traffic to a web site and blogs.

Stewart, of http://www.89PressReleaseTips.com says the most frequent mistake she sees in press releases is the absence of keywords—that is, words and phrases that people who are searching for information online are most likely to type into the search engines.

"Keywords are like magnets that flag the search engines. Whether you sell coaching services or dog toys, using the right keywords will help your ideal customers find your press releases online. Journalists use search engines to find stories. Your customers use search engines to find products and information. An optimized press release sends people to your web site long after the news is stale," Stewart says.

Many writers, she says, spend hours crafting the perfect headline, sub-head, copy and quotes. Those elements are all important. But they could be ineffective if people can't find their releases online.

5 Tips to Writing Optimized Press Releases

Stewart recommends these five tips:

1. Before you write, do keyword research to learn what words or phrases relate to your news, industry or brand. Wordtracker and Google's Wonder Wheel help simplify and arrange search results.

2. Identify from one to four different but related keyword phrases to use, and include them within your release.

3. If your business serves a local area, use regional keywords. For example: "Los Angeles yoga studio."

4. Don't assume you must use your company name in the headline. That's one of the first places the search engines look for keywords. People who are searching for the type of product or service you sell, and don't know about your company, won't type your company name into the search engines. Use the same keywords they'd use, based on your research.

5. Use keywords in the first paragraph of your press release.

Learn more about Keywords

Stewart will host a telephone seminar at 3 p.m. Eastern Time on Wednesday, Oct. 21, on "How to Use Keywords, the 'Magic Magnets' That Pull Consumers and Journalists to Your Press Releases." Guest expert Janet Thaeler, a search engine optimization expert, will walk participants through the entire process of writing a press release, from keyword research to how to submit a press release online.

Each person who registers will receive a copy of the MP3 recording and sample press releases. They will also be eligible to enter to win a free release, written by Thaeler and distributed through PRWeb. Registration is $39.95 and includes links to three videos that demonstrate how to do research and use keywords.

Register for the press release teleseminar now. Or, for more information, call Stewart at 262-284-7451 or email JStewart at PublicityHound.com

About Joan Stewart

Publicity and PR expert Joan Stewart, aka Publicity Hound, publishes "The Publicity Hound's Tips of the Week, a free email newsletter that goes to over 50,000 subscribers. It's packed with valuable tips on how to generate thousands of dollars in free publicity. Connect with Joan on Twitter @PublicityHound and on her web site www.PublicityHound.com

About Janet Thaeler

SEO and online marketing expert Janet Thaeler, aka Newspapergrl, has written hundreds of optimized press releases for her clients. She's the author of the new book, I Need a Killer Press Release, Now What?? Find her on Twitter @NewspaperGrl

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Name: Joan Stewart
Group: The Publicity Hound
Dateline: Sagamore Hills, OH United States
Main Phone: 262-235-2843
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