Home > NewsRelease > BRAIN WOUND UPDATE #16: More Evidence: Untreated TBI ties to Cardiovascular, Endocrine, Neurological, and Psychiatric Disorders
BRAIN WOUND UPDATE #16: More Evidence: Untreated TBI ties to Cardiovascular, Endocrine, Neurological, and Psychiatric Disorders
TreatNOW Coalition --  Concussion Protocol Experts TreatNOW Coalition -- Concussion Protocol Experts
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Arlington, VA
Thursday, October 19, 2023



“There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.”

                                          Bishop Desmond Tutu

At some point, DoD, the VA, and medicine in general will hear the drumbeat of data in peer-reviewed science attesting to the damage done by untreated brain wounds. Fortunately for those lucky few, the role of Hyperbaric Oxygenation to help treat and heal their brain wounds has given them new lives. But the practitioners of conventional medicine are not ready to accept facts and evidence. The DOD and the VA claim that the suicide epidemic is their #1 clinical priority, yet they drag their feet, avoiding using HBO therapy that virtually eliminates suicidal ideation. And they seem not to have read recent science about symptoms and “mental health” diagnoses that mask undiagnosed brain wounds. While the suicide epidemic continues to escalate, DOD and the VA spend more and more on strategies to think harder, collaborate more, pay attention, fund more Call Centers, and get the word out: precious little on healing brain wounds.

Consider these recent reports.

This report in JAMA, Association of Traumatic Brain Injury With the Risk of Developing Chronic Cardiovascular, Endocrine, Neurological, and Psychiatric Disorders, found that patients with mTBI and msTBI [moderate-to-severe] were at increased risk of developing long-term cardiovascular, endocrine, psychiatric, and neurological comorbidities. The risk of post-TBI comorbidities was higher in all age groups compared with an age-, sex-, and race-frequency–matched unexposed group, and notably so in patients younger than 40 years. Comorbidities after TBI were associated with higher mortality.

Another JAMA study, Neuropathologic and Clinical Findings in Young Contact Sport Athletes Exposed to Repetitive Head Impacts, found that young contact sport athletes may be at risk for long-term neuropathologic disorders, including chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). This one bears reading by parents.

A third study in the New England Journal of Medicine, Neuro-degenerative Disease Mortality among Former Professional Soccer Players, found that mortality from neurodegenerative disease was higher and mortality from other common diseases lower among former Scottish professional soccer players than among matched controls. Dementia-related medications were prescribed more frequently to former players than to controls.

And an ironic report from Front Office Sports, the NFL court drama shows how little we’ve progressed from science-scepticism. In a bid to avoid reimbursing the NFL for payouts to [allegedly] brain wounded players, major insurers deployed medical experts to argue that there’s no scientific evidence linking head injuries with neurocognitive disorders, such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s, covered in the settlement. They further suggested that up to 40% of the now 1,663 former players who have received payments may have overstated and even feigned their symptoms.

This tactic is mirrored in the behavior of DOD components that continue to discard combat veterans with the National Guard with Other Than Honorable Discharges and claims that the petitioners either weren’t on active duty when they were injured, can’t document injuries they were encouraged to not report to stay in the fight, or are faking their injuries.

Of the five Defense Department service branches, only two met their active-duty enlisted recruiting goals for fiscal 2023 — the Marine Corps and the Space Force, by far the smallest services and with the lightest recruiting burden. The others, the Army, Air Force and Navy, fell short. Coincidence?


The TreatNOW Mission is ending service member suicides. Along the way, we have learned that we can help heal the symptoms and effects of acute concussion/TBI/PTSD by helping heal brain wounds.

Heal Brains. Stop Suicides. Restore Lives. TreatNOW

Information provided by TreatNOW.org does not constitute a medical recommendation. It is intended for informational purposes only, and no claims, either real or implied, are being made.

Key Words:  Special Operators, veterans, suicide, athletesbrain healthblast injurybrain injurybrain woundChronic Traumatic Encephalopathyconcussionconcussion protocolConcussion SymptomsCTEHBOTHyperbaric Oxygen therapyTBITBItreatmenttraumatic brain injury, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Robert L. Beckman. PhD
Group: TreatNOW Coalition
Dateline: Arlington, VA United States
Direct Phone: 703-346-8432
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