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Lost, Hallucinating, Starving, Terrified in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado
Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd
Denver, CO
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Kelly Ashford's gripping story

Immediate Release

Contact: Thomas Ashford

     AshfordMtns3@gmail.com  AshfordMountains@gmail.com



Lost. Hallucinating. Starving. Terrified.

Kelly Ashford lived the Rocky Mountain Wilderness horror!

A book cover with a bird and footprintsDescription automatically generated


Grand Junction, CO.  January 22, 2024 – From the high country of Colorado, lost for eleven days and rescued, native Coloradan Kelly Ashford has released her revealing and compelling

Memoir, endurance.  Within the 258 pages, she shares her deeply personal account of her grueling emotional and spiritual journey in the Colorado Rocky Mountain wilderness. Kelly was lost … hallucinating … starving … and terrified. And she was barefoot!


Ashford bravely opens up her ordeal in endurance; and how she survived the eleven fearful and painful days in the wilderness. Through her vivid storytelling and raw honesty, the author provides a unique perspective of her near-death experience and spiritual awakening. Her strength came from  the power of her family that was embedded in memories and the power of her spiritual rebirth.

She never gave up the will to survive. She had no food with her and nothing but shorts and a thin jacket when she was caught in a sudden blizzard the mountains are known for. Toward the end, she could not walk, dragging herself across the rugged terrain to water.

Kelly Ashford is a wife, mother, avid hiker and survivor. endurance weaves together the threads of Kelly Ashford's life into a captivating narrative that will keep readers engrossed from start to finish. And wondering, how did she make it?

Kelly Ashford is available for media interviews. Contact Thomas Ashford to set up an interview for press, print, and podcasts at 720-530-7415 or AshfordMountains@gmail.com. For more information about Kelly Ashford and her book, endurance, visit her website, KellyAshford.com

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Dr. Judith Briles
Group: The Book Shepherd
Dateline: Aurora, CO United States
Direct Phone: 303-885-2207
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