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Suburban Author Publishes controversial Novel
Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd
Denver, CO
Monday, February 5, 2024

Suburban Author Publishes controversial Novel


Contact: Frank Victoria

Phone: 708-645-4216   Cell: 708-218-3144

Email: fvquiller@gmail.com 

Website: FrankVictoriaAuthor.com     


                     Amazon Bestseller in Three Fiction Categories

Orland Park Il. February 5, 2024.  Illegal immigration, government intrigue and constitutional interpretation are as timely as today's headlines. And they are the core of Orland Park writer Frank Victoria's award-winning novel The Founders' Plot.

The storyline involves the newly-elected California governor, Michael J. DiGrasso, who pushes through a tough immigration law that's declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. But the decorated Afghan War veteran ignores the ruling, igniting a clash between federal, state, and judicial power. And leaves the governor's longtime friend, President Martin W. Ballard, to decide whether to nationalize the state's National Guard to enforce the court's ruling.

Battling the governor is Senate Minority Leader Elizabeth Stern, a cunning member of the opposition party.  She'll go to any lengths to force DiGrasso to obey the Court decision. She plots an impeachment and even blackmails the governor over an affair he had years earlier.

As these forces clash, tragedy befalls two Mexican families in the country illegally. Carlos and Marisol Castellano and their friends Julio and Carmella Perez struggle to survive in the hypertensive environment created by DiGrasso's immigration law.

Victoria weaves a multitude of events around that narrative. "There's all kinds of good stuff," he says, "extramarital affairs, bloody fights, blackmail, killings, family strife, an assassination attempt, suicide. You name it.

"And there's plenty of historical and legal information presented. I like books, even fiction, from which I learn something, and I think many other people feel the same."

It took Victoria years to write the novel, but it was a dream come true. "It's something I've always wanted to do. But there were times when I thought I'd never finish it. I was forever editing and rewriting and reorganizing. It was a long process and what started as a labor of love became just plain labor."

Victoria is also the author of The Ultimate Bet. He will soon be publishing two novellas, two Fantasies and a Romantic Comedy this year. He'd welcome an interview for an article about the book and/or a review in your newspaper.

About the author: Frank Victoria grew up in Chicago and now lives in Orland Park. He served in the Marine Corps and holds a B.A. in Journalism. He was a professional business writer and editor for more than twenty years before making a career change into education where he taught American history and government for sixteen years in the Chicago Public Schools.

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