Home > NewsRelease > England Surrendering to Terrorist Mobs… & WE’RE NEXT!
England Surrendering to Terrorist Mobs… & WE’RE NEXT!
Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H. Media Psychiatrist Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H. Media Psychiatrist
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Beverly Hills, CA
Saturday, March 9, 2024


The Pro-Palestinian and Pro-Hamas terrorist mobs are turning up
the heat! They’re no longer content to carry placards and shout
anti-Israel slogans, they’re intimidating by violence! In London,
they flashed “From the River to the Sea” on Big Ben at the moment
Parliament was voting on a ceasefire resolution in a calculated
attempt to stop MPs from voting to support Israel – and it worked!
Enough MPs were in fear for their life – ending the session in chaos!

In my work, as your Terrorist Therapist®, I often feel like Paul
Revere on his midnight ride. But, instead of warning “The British
are coming!” I’ve been warning you that “The Terrorists are coming!”
and indeed they are here! It’s bad enough that Radical Islamist
migrants have flooded western Europe and turned it upside down.
Now, they’ve gotten to the British government – which is even closer
historically to America. Indeed, they’ve already been intimidating
Biden on the campaign trail, threatening not to vote for him unless
he takes a harder line on Israel!

As the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan is also the Police and Crime
Commissioner. You will hear how his childhood experiences, similar
to those of Barack Obama, fueled his pro-Islamic decisions ever
since he entered politics. So, it’s no wonder he gave orders not to
arrest the mob, even though they didn’t have the required permission
to flash anything on Big Ben, a British icon.

You will hear how Muslim clerics worldwide are unabashedly
preaching, “No solution other than Jihad for the sake of Allah!”
Israel, was just their first stop. In Gaza, the IDF recently found
undelivered medicine for the hostages and copies of Mein Kampf.
A Minneapolis man, who traveled to Middle East terrorist camps,
came back with plans to blow up New York. Terrorists want global
jihad and they’re getting closer to it every day!

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H.
Title: Psychiatrist
Dateline: Beverly Hills, CA United States
Direct Phone: 310-278-5433
Cell Phone: 310-251-2866
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