Home > NewsRelease > Dubai appoints 22 Chief AI Officers in Government entities to drive AI-transformation
Dubai appoints 22 Chief AI Officers in Government entities to drive AI-transformation
David Mathison -- Chief Digital Officers Club David Mathison -- Chief Digital Officers Club
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: New York, NY
Tuesday, July 2, 2024


In June 2024, H.H. Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of The Executive Council of Dubai, appointed 22 Chief Artificial Intelligence Officers (CAIOs) across various government entities in Dubai, who will spearhead specialized plans and programs in the field of AI and advanced technology.

H.H. Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of The Executive Council of Dubai

H.H. Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of The Executive Council of Dubai.

“We have approved the appointment of 22 Chief AI Officers across government entities in Dubai as part of a forward-looking vision aimed at leveraging AI to enhance government operations. This initiative will enhance Dubai’s progress and expertise in this sector and consolidate its position as a leader in creating innovative solutions built on advanced technology,” His Highness Sheikh Hamdan said.

“The accelerated adoption of AI, alongside the development of its tools and applications, represents a cornerstone of the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, aimed at positioning Dubai as a global hub for the development and deployment of AI solutions.”

The Chief AI Officer position was established under the Dubai Universal Blueprint for Artificial Intelligence (DUB.AI), designed to enrich the quality of life and well-being of residents. Additionally, it supports Dubai’s endeavour to become the most future-ready city, consolidating its leadership as a global hub for technology and innovation.

A Chief AI Officer (CAIO) plays a pivotal role in shaping and implementing an organization’s AI strategy. They evaluate the organization’s AI capabilities, identify areas for improvement, and develop a plan for achieving AI maturity. The CAIO is responsible for leading change management efforts, which include providing training and workshops to cultivate a culture of innovation. They ensure the strategic integration of AI into various workflows and processes and stay abreast of the latest technological advancements to maintain a competitive edge.

Moreover, the CAIO addresses the risks associated with AI, such as ethical considerations and compliance with data protection regulations. They also facilitate collaboration across departments to ensure AI initiatives support the organization’s overall objectives.

By deploying AI-driven solutions, CAIOs help optimize processes, reduce expenses, and improve the quality of public services. For instance, AI can be leveraged to analyze extensive datasets, enhance decision-making, forecast trends, and automate routine tasks, allowing human resources to focus on more strategic activities.

Today July 2, 2024 I spoke with Digital Economy Advocate Bashar Kilani: Founder, AI360 Innovations (UAE) to discuss these appointments and more.

Digital Economy Advocate Bashar Kilani: Founder, AI360 Innovations (UAE) with David Mathison: CEO, CDO Club; CDAO/Chief AI Officer Summits (NY)

The UAE appointed an AI minister in 2017 – the first nation in the world to have an AI minister in govt. Focused on creating a digital

Minister of AI:

DUB.AI blueprint:

1. building the infrastructure – cloud cybersecurity, compte capabilities – UAE may have one of the best digital infrastructures in the world

2. Framework of laws around the digital economy which makes it an attctive place for new businesses

3. Talent: Building univere4sities and campuses that attract golden visas and digital visas. you can find some off the best global talent re ai. Academia UAE MBZEDAI university

4. Building the ecosystem, startups, large companies etc VC investments “D33” want at least 10 unicorns in Dubai between now and 2030

CAIO should NOT be

CAIO has 3 main functions/roles
1. Transformmation catalyst – people culture, create AI fiurst culture, upskill,m cross skill

2. Path to AI: Look at the stragtegy ffor implementing AI – automation, augmentation, Where can we use AI as agents, prepare for improved productivity

3. Responsible.ethical AI no nbias, no dangerous AI, explainability

Today I spoke with Digital Economy Advocate Bashar Kilani, Founder, AI360 Innovations UAE about the exciting initiatives

Harvard Business Review article (Arabic)

MSFT partnership $1.5bn but more importantly is that the UAE will develop world class AI innovations and a hub in Abu Dhabi in partnership with the govt owned entity Core42 and

Brad Smith joins board and governed by UAE and US govt and MSFT

Ports and customrs the COO became CAIO
Ecomony ministry – brought someone from outside well-known thought leader

some promoted form within some broght from outside

Almost $100bn in incremental GDP 13% bw now and 2030
Saudi 130bn in fueled by AI

Small and agile country which has less bureaucracy
Ministry of AI owns the overarching strategy for transformation into an exponential economy. the CAIOs have their own reporting lines but there will be a lot of guidance coming from Ministry of AI

Look at the use cases and see whicvh ones are shared and which ones are specific to govt entities and orgs.


“The best examples of how orgs have embraced AI are going to come from this part of the world””

his journey AI360 is an advisory firm for the digital/exponential econommy
1. role of CAIO
2. Helping orgs embrace AI

The newly appointed Chief AI Officers represent several government entities across Dubai including:

  • Community Development Authority in Dubai
  • Dubai Government Human Resources Department
  • Dubai Customs
  • Dubai Police
  • The Judicial Council
  • Dubai Civil Aviation Authority
  • Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment
  • Dubai Electricity and Water Authority
  • Digital Dubai Authority
  • General Directorate of Civil Defense in Dubai
  • Dubai Data and Statistics Establishment
  • Dubai Health Authority
  • Public Prosecution
  • Protocol Department in Dubai
  • Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority
  • Dubai Culture & Arts Authority
  • Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University
  • Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism
  • Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services
  • Department of Finance in Dubai
  • Endowments and Minors’ Trust Foundation (Awqaf Dubai)
  • Dubai Municipality


Join Kashi KS, Chief AI Officer at Alfahive in this interview with David Mathison, CEO of the CDO Club and CDAO/CAIO Summits, as he shares his 5-year journey of building the world’s largest community of Chief AI Officers. He discusses the growing demand for innovation, transformation, and how they are using AI to enhance ROI.

Listen on Amazon Prime, Spotify, Apple: LINK

Watch below or on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dN2KrE8OTV8


News Media Interview Contact
Name: David Mathison
Group: CDO Club
Dateline: New Hyde Park, NY United States
Direct Phone: 415-637-8365
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