Home > NewsRelease > How To Master Entrepreneurship Through Effective Speaking Insights From Expert Frank King
How To Master Entrepreneurship Through Effective Speaking Insights From Expert Frank King
Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Orlando, FL
Monday, July 8, 2024


Welcome to another exciting episode of Stark Raving Entrepreneurs! Today, I’m joined by my friendFrank King as we dive into a vital aspect of entrepreneurship that often goes overlooked—professional speaking.

Frank, an expert with over 41 years of speaking experience, shares invaluable insights on how speaking can significantly boost your business.

Discover how storytelling and local speaking engagements can build your brand, and learn practical tips like crafting an unforgettable elevator pitch.

Frank also reveals his unique approach to leveraging TEDx talks to enhance your reputation and generate income, all while aiming to save lives through his powerful message on mental health.

Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or just starting out, this episode is packed with actionable advice to help you speak your way to success.

This is a good ‘un!

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Here are some timestamps that can be useful for you:

1. **[00:00:33]** – Terry Brock introduces Frank King and mentions his contributions to helping people build their businesses through speaking.

2. **[00:01:24]** – Frank King discusses the benefits of speaking to build locality and brand, sharing his personal experience with speaking at local clubs.

3. **[00:03:23]** – Frank King emphasizes the importance of memorable and humorous taglines when presenting oneself, showcasing an example related to Costco.

4. **[00:06:47]** – Frank King talks about asking leading questions and being a good listener as essential skills for effective speaking and audience engagement.

5. **[00:10:05]** – Frank King underscores the power of vulnerability in speaking, explaining how sharing personal struggles can resonate more with audiences.

6. **[00:12:55]** – Frank King introduces his comprehensive TEDx course and how it’s designed to help people get speaking engagements and higher fees, even offering a notable guarantee.

7. **[00:16:18]** – Frank King shares a powerful anecdote about helping someone in crisis during a speaking engagement, highlighting the profound impact his work can have.

These key points offer valuable insights into how speaking can significantly benefit entrepreneurs and the importance of authenticity and vulnerability in connecting with an audience.

Spanish Language Summary
For the convenience of our Spanish-speaking audience members, here’s a summary in Spanish
En este episodio de Stark Raving Entrepreneurs titulado “Speak To Build Your Business”, Terry Brock y Frank King discuten cómo el hablar en público de forma profesional puede ser una herramienta poderosa para los emprendedores. Terry menciona que ser un buen orador puede generar confianza y oportunidades de negocio. Frank King, con una amplia experiencia en el ámbito de los TEDx y la comedia, comparte consejos sobre cómo construir una marca local a través de la narración y la oratoria.
Frank destaca la importancia de no ser un “agente secreto” en tu propia comunidad y sugiere hablar en clubs locales y eventos de la Cámara de Comercio para darse a conocer. También menciona el valor de ser vulnerable y compartir las propias dificultades y éxitos para conectar mejor con la audiencia.
Durante la conversación, Terry y Frank improvisan sobre cómo alguien en el sector de seguros puede crear un discurso efectivo. Frank también señala los beneficios de hacer preguntas clave a la audiencia y escuchar activamente. Además, Frank menciona sus cursos en línea que prometen resultados tangibles en TEDx y en la obtención de contratos remunerados, con una garantía de devolución de dinero y un incentivo adicional en caso de no alcanzarse los objetivos.
Para cerrar, Frank recuerda a los oyentes que las “riquezas están en los nichos”, subrayando la necesidad de encontrar y atender a un público específico. La conversación resalta la oratoria como una herramienta vital para el crecimiento profesional y personal en el ámbito empresarial.


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Terry Brock
Group: Achievement Systems
Dateline: Orlando, FL United States
Direct Phone: 407-363-0505
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