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Conquering The Tug
Scott Whitaker  -- Membership Expert Scott Whitaker -- Membership Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Charleston, SC
Sunday, September 22, 2024


“You need to overcome the tug of people against you as you reach for high goals.” – George S. Patton

Some might consider planning for 2025 a pretty easy thing to do considering what all has happened this past year. Doesn’t take much to improve on a year like that.”

There’s a real danger in thinking it doesn’t take much to improve upon 2025.

The danger of setting goals too small, setting goals that you know are certain to be accomplished.

Instead what if you planned goals so big, so daring that you had no choice but to reach them.

One of my habits is to write 100 Goals.

I choose 10 areas of my life (personal, physical, relational, marriage, parent, financial, business, spiritual, educational, experience/entertainment, etc.) and then I write 10 goals for each.

When I’m done, I have 100 goals.

It’s not always the goals you set, it’s who you become in striving toward the goals!

If you’re interested in learning more about if and how I can help you scale your coaching business, here are three ways we can work together:

1. Grab a copy of “High-Ticket Coach.” It’s my brand new book on how to create, launch and sell your high-ticket membership offer. You’ll also get a ton of free resources and tools to help sell your current membership offers.

Go here to get your copy.

2. Get a FREE copy of Accelerate: How to Get Your Next 10, 100, 500 or Even 1,000 Members… Yes, you can get a free copy of my brand-new book! In it, you discover more on how to promote your membership, get more members and increase retention.

Go get your free copy here.

3. If you’d like to work directly with me and my team to help you create and sell a high ticket membership… If you’d like to work directly with me and my team to multiply your membership… just schedule a free strategy session. We’ll map out a strategy and then take a look to see if and how we may be able to grow your business.

Go here to complete this brief survey and schedule your free call.

About Scott Whitaker

Scott is an expert in creating and building membership programs within businesses, giving greater value to customers and multiplying income. Using his "Seven Systems of a Healthy Membership Program," he will help you get new members, increase retention and structure your membership program for long-term growth.
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Scott Whitaker
Group: Membership Multipliers
Dateline: Charleston, SC United States
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