Home > NewsRelease > How AI Makes Us More Human: The Paradox That’s Changing Business #AItools
How AI Makes Us More Human: The Paradox That’s Changing Business #AItools
Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Orlando, FL
Friday, March 14, 2025


Do you ever wonder how AI can amplify human connection instead of replacing it? In “The Secret to Humanizing AI ???,” we explore how artificial intelligence can foster empathy, enhance relationships, and transform your content strategy.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, content creator, or just curious about AI in business, this video is packed with actionable insights to take your business to the next level.

Learn how to use cutting-edge AI tools like ChatGPT, Perplexity, Taja, and CastMagic to supercharge your business and improve customer engagement.

Discover strategies for blending AI with human creativity, designing thoughtful AI solutions, and building trust through transparency and ethical implementation.

From emotional analytics to hybrid workflows, you’ll gain practical tips to implement AI effectively while staying true to human-centered values.
I’m Terry Brock, and today we’re diving into a topic that’s both fascinating and a little bit mind-blowing.

We’re talking about how artificial intelligence—not just as a job-stealer, but as a tool for enhancing human connections—can actually make our interactions more meaningful.

I know, that sounds crazy, but it is true.
I’m going to walk you through the paradox of humanizing technology.

Yep, we’re talking about how AI can take empathy and amplify it, helping you connect with your audience on a whole new level.

Since I’ve been talking about Relationship Marketing for many years I focus on this for you and your business. As weird as it sounds, you can now help AI deepen the human connections with your customers.

Yeah, I know it sounds wacky.

Whether you’re diving into entrepreneurship or creating content, I’ll show you how to use tools like ChatGPT, Claude, Castmagic, Taja, and Perplexity to truly reach people.

And it doesn’t stop there—I’ll share some real-world examples from giants like Starbucks, Amazon and others. Plus, I’m dishing out some of my favorite tools for content creation and telling you how to strike the perfect balance between the smarts of AI and the creativity of us humans.

So, grab your favorite beverage, kick back, and get ready to discover how to blend the best of AI and human potential to take your business to new heights. Let’s have some fun with this!

Recommended AI tools for business growth.

Catch the full video here:

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Here are seven key points highlighted with time stamps from the episode:
Here are 7 timestamps highlighting key points from this episode of “Stark Raving Entrepreneurs”:
[00:00:00] – Terry Brock begins by addressing the fear that AI and robots might take over jobs and how AI can actually enhance human connections and amplify empathy.
[00:01:28] – The concept of humanizing technology is introduced, where AI tools like ChatGPT and others help entrepreneurs and content creators forge better human relationships.
[00:03:45] – Terry discusses the availability of AI-driven 24/7 support for learning, using his example of learning Spanish.
[00:08:52] – The importance of balancing AI and human input is emphasized, particularly with examples from companies like Amazon and Sephora.
[00:17:24] – Various tools are highlighted that aid in content creation, such as Taja and Castmagic, which leverage AI for efficiency.
[00:19:44] – Terry introduces the concept of “Human in the Loop” systems, detailing a process where AI suggestions are evaluated and refined by human professionals.
[00:27:19] – The episode wraps up by stressing the ethical implementation of AI and the importance of maintaining a balance between AI capabilities and human uniqueness.

For. your convenience, here’s a summary in Spanish:

En este episodio de “Stark Raving Entrepreneurs,” Terry Brock discute cómo la inteligencia artificial (IA) puede, de hecho, mejorar las conexiones humanas, en lugar de reemplazar el trabajo humano. A lo largo del episodio, Terry explora cómo herramientas como ChatGPT, Perplexity y Claude pueden amplificar la empatía y fomentar conexiones más profundas entre las personas cuando se implementan de manera considerada.

Terry menciona ejemplos del uso eficaz de la IA por parte de empresas inteligentes, como el caso de Starbucks y su análisis de sentimiento para monitorear la retroalimentación del cliente, así como el motor de recomendaciones de Amazon que mejora las sugerencias personalizadas para los usuarios.

Destaca la importancia de un enfoque equilibrado donde la IA y los humanos trabajen juntos, maximizando la productividad sin perder la conexión y calidez humana. Además, subraya la necesidad de implementar directrices éticas y guardas en el uso de IA para asegurar que siga siendo una herramienta que complemente, más que sustituya, la conexión humana. Terry también sugiere varias herramientas tecnológicas y recursos para ayudar a los emprendedores a integrar estas capacidades en sus prácticas comerciales.

For your convenience, here’s a transcript of this episode:

Terry Brock [00:00:00]:
You ever feel like machines are taking over, AI, and robots are gonna take away your job and leave you with nothing? Well, many people are feeling that way, but there’s actually a way we can turn it around, and we’re gonna show you in this video how to do that. How you can really take the AI, and I know this is gonna sound crazy, make it so that it’s even more human for humans to be together. We can do that. This is the key, and we’re gonna show you how to do I’ve been working with technology now for many, many years, and I wanna show you how we can do that by enhancing human connections, yeah, through AI. It’s comes crazy, but we’re gonna be able to do it. You see, what we do is we’re gonna take artificial intelligence, and we’re gonna let it amplify empathy. Yeah. Exactly.

Terry Brock [00:00:40]:
Empathy so it’ll understand more what’s going on, fostering deeper connections with human beings and enhance the human experience when we do it the right way, when it’s implemented thoughtfully. That’s a key. What you wanna do is we’re gonna take a look at that in this presentation as we express how AI tools like ChatGPT, Perplexity, and Claude, and many, many others are particularly going to help entrepreneurs and content creators. I’m Terry Brock, and I’ve been doing this now for a long time. You can get in touch with me over at terry brock dot com. We’ll be talking about how you can do that. I speak with groups all over the world about how you can take the tools of AI and implement them to reach customers and forge that better human relationship. That’s the real key.

Terry Brock [00:01:28]:
See, it’s the paradox of humanizing technology. What we wanna do is we’re gonna take the technology that’s out there and use it to serve people better. And that’s being done right now by some very smart companies that we’re gonna talk about in this presentation to let you see how they’re doing it, who they are, and then more importantly, how you can do that. You’re gonna be able to do that in different ways like growing anthropomorphism. There’s a good word. Anthropomorphism. Meaning, we’re giving human feelings to inanimate objects. In this case, particularly, to robots.

Terry Brock [00:02:03]:
Thirty eight percent of US adults feel connected to digital assistants like Siri or Alexa. This is interesting. We start calling them like they’re our peep our children or our good friends. This is normal. Secondly, emotional projection. We’re seeing that people are doing that now. 37% believe that impatience with AI tools constitutes unkindness. You can be unkind to the AI.

Terry Brock [00:02:30]:
Really? Well, it’s because we’re getting close to them. And I think if we can foster human connection and caring for each other, even if it’s looking at machines and robots, hey, I think that’s a good thing. Good things can happen. And a third area, generational differences. This was interesting. Listen to this. Millennials lead this trend with 20% attributing emotional capacity to AI. I think that’s growing on a regular basis.

Terry Brock [00:02:56]:
And so what we wanna do is find out, okay, how do we use that for business, for content creators to make sure we connect more with people? Because there’s often a loneliness epidemic going on right now. We see the AI companions with products like Replika and Gatebox holographic avatars are filling an emotional gaps. I’m seeing it all the time as we work with many different tools. Just yesterday, I was working with some tools I’m gonna be showing to our star craving entrepreneur group that gives you the ability to have a conversation with a robot, and it sounds very authentic like you were talking to another human being. The technology has gotten that level. It’s wonderful that we can do it, but we’ve gotta exercise some cautions. And we’re gonna talk about that also on this particular video. Here’s another nice thing about it, twenty four seven report.

Terry Brock [00:03:45]:
These tools that we’re talking about are gonna offer you constant availability when the human connection is lacking. So for example, I’m doing some study right now where I’m using AI to help me learn Spanish. I speak a little bit of Russian, speak a little bit of Japanese. Makes more sense, Terry. You live in Florida, for crying out loud. Learn Spanish, and I’m loving it. Spanish is a great language, much easier to learn than, for me as a native English speaker, than Japanese or Russian, but I love it. And now I get twenty four seven support.

Terry Brock [00:04:17]:
I get someone I can ask over and over and over relentlessly practicing it. And, you know, that’s a great great way to learn anything. What you wanna do is you keep practicing it. A human being can get tired of it. Don’t you get it already after the four hundred and fifty third time, Terry? Well, maybe it takes that four hundred and fifty fourth time to actually get it to make it happen. So you’re gonna get twenty four hours a day, seven day a week, whenever it’s convenient for you, support, and make sure that’s gonna happen. Plus simulated intimacy. Well, now that’s kinda interesting.

Terry Brock [00:04:50]:
All creatures experience that mimic human relationships. You’re gonna have AI. It’s gonna create that. Now I don’t know exactly where all that’s going, but let’s just say if it helps people to get along better, that’s gonna be a good thing. Another thing we wanna look at is the human centered AI design. Now this is kinda interesting. When you look at how they’re doing it right now, we’re seeing that we start with transparency, making sure that things are open, making AI that is going to be decision making processes that are going to be explainable to users. So it’s gonna be able to do something that we need.

Terry Brock [00:05:25]:
We’re gonna say, okay. This is how we’re doing it. We wanna say right up front what’s going on. For those that are content creators, this is important because as content creators, we know you can get AI to write for you. Too many people are copying it and then just pasting it in there. That’s not the way to do it because then you’re losing your own feeling, your personality, your voice, as we say. What I would recommend instead is you copy, paste, and then customize. Customizing it, giving it your voice, giving it your feeling, your attitudes of how you’re going to do what needs to be done, and let that be done.

Terry Brock [00:06:03]:
Secondly, we’re also gonna look at the contextual adaptability so that you’re using real time ideas. You’re using those real time, sentiment analysis to find out what’s going on. So what and you adjust responses appropriately. That’s very important. Sentiment analysis lets the machine sense, what are these people really thinking? Are they liking it or not? And sometimes you just look at a transcript, that’s not gonna be good enough. I could say, oh, this was really good. And you hear me? You go we think as a human being, oh, I liked it. Maybe I was eating that sandwich and it was really good.

Terry Brock [00:06:38]:
Or if I say the same words, yeah, this sandwich was really good. You can tell by my inflection, body language, I didn’t think that was such a good sandwich. They’re building it into AI now so that you have that sentiment analysis. Understand, do people really like this or is it something that they really are gonna go in a different direction on? We need to know that. This is important for business. Also, ethical guidelines and the guardrails that you’re gonna put in there, the guidelines and the guardrails to say, wait a minute. Okay. We’re going over the line here.

Terry Brock [00:07:12]:
We gotta look at those and get people who are really, really smart and really, really care for this and using it in business. Because what we’re gonna do is we’re going to be looking at mitigating the biases through interdisciplinary teams of experts. People that say, wait a minute. You might think that’s okay, but it’s not there. We wanna look at I like the idea of inclusivity by people with different ideas, different backgrounds, different ethnicities, all of that coming together, and we get a chance to learn from each other. We do that not by force or coercion, but because we know we can become better people by listening to others. Here’s an example. Starbucks is using this now with sentiment analysis.

Terry Brock [00:07:52]:
Catch this. They’re using AI to monitor customer feedback across social media and to review the platforms. When people say, yeah, that coffee tasted real good. Just in the way that I said that, you know I didn’t like the coffee versus, boy, that coffee tasted real good. Same words, different sentiment. You think, I think you know what I’m talking about. And the trend identification, systems are gonna be able now to identify the emerging issues like dissatisfaction with menu items or something. They go, gee, they didn’t have any of the stuff that I wanted, the oogie flipper looky doo doos or whatever.

Terry Brock [00:08:29]:
You know, that’s a real popular item. You know, put that in there and be able to say, I want that. It can start checking on that. And also, continuous improvement. It blends AI scalability with human creativity for better outcomes. You get the best of both. And I think that’s a real key in this whole thing. What we’re doing is we’re not saying it’s all human or it’s all AI.

Terry Brock [00:08:52]:
It’s the appropriate blend that is contextually sensitive. Find out how much do we need a little bit more of the human beings here, where do we need a little bit more of the the robots. I’ll give you an example. Somebody that’s calling the help center, sometimes you wanna get an answer rapidly, and it can be given rapidly. What are your hours today? How late are you open? Where are you located in town? What wait. What’s the price you have today on the such and such item? That can be given pretty rapidly, and sometimes people just wanna know it quickly. Other times, something’s not working. I need to talk to a real human being.

Terry Brock [00:09:26]:
Can you relate to that? I see, okay, there’s something going wrong and I need to talk with a human. I don’t wanna just press another button for crying out loud. Let me go and I wanna be able to do this. Well, now with AI, it can take it and work with it either way, whichever one’s gonna be most appropriate. And then listening for that human response, it alerts the human teams to design targeted solutions. So we can put build it in there. This is the ideal. Deal with a robot.

Terry Brock [00:09:53]:
Deal with the AI first because often that will answer a lot of the most common questions. But you have it available so that, boom, it can go over to a human being. Make sure that that’s happening. Amazon’s another good company that targets this and they show us really how to do it right, I think. Amazon’s got a recommendation engine right now. And we’re gonna talk about that four key points in that recommendation engine. First, it’s data collection. What they’re doing is they’re analyzing individual purchase decisions, your history, the decision you made, and browsing behaviors.

Terry Brock [00:10:25]:
What are you looking for? And they find out what it is that this person likes with their full permission. Very important. I like it that Amazon understands what I like and what I bought before, and others who are like me bought these products as well. It puts it in front of me and I go, that looks interesting. Let me try it. I try it. I go, hey, that’s fabulous. I really like it.

Terry Brock [00:10:48]:
I’m glad it worked that way. Doing it the right way is really the key, and it’s a combination of the human element and the AI working together. Not either or, but both and. And also that relates to pattern recognition. So what we wanna do there is the AI is gonna identify, and it’s gonna relate to that the preferences and the potential interests to find out what it is you like. And then personalized suggestions, where it generates the hyper personalized product recommendations, things that are so much like you. You like that brown this and you like that brown that and that. Well, we got another thing here in brown.

Terry Brock [00:11:23]:
That’s your color. Really looks good on you, etcetera, etcetera. Those kind of things are there. And then for business, the revenue impact. This is important. It accounts for 35%. That’s a lot of money. Amazon’s revenue.

Terry Brock [00:11:38]:
We’re talking billions of dollars here. Very important. And here’s another company that’s doing it right. Sephora, they’re using chatbot ecosystem for some great things. 73% wait time reduction when they did this. That’s important. When you can get someone on the line quickly and get my answer right now, I’m liking that a lot. AI assistants now are handling the routine queries about the store hours or product availability, like I was mentioning before, to find out, do you have any of the such and such there? Do you have any of this kind of item, etcetera? And a 22% satisfaction increase, that translates down to the bottom line.

Terry Brock [00:12:19]:
The human staff can now focus on complex consultations that are improving the overall experience. You get the idea here? What we’re doing is we’re taking the best of the humans, the best of the robots, and putting them together. Not either or, but both and. You’re gonna be able to say, okay. This is how we do it. This is how we make these things happen in a big way. And then here’s a real nice one, 20 four seven availability. Our world today is like that.

Terry Brock [00:12:48]:
Customers can receive the support even outside business hours. You know what it’s like today. We are looking for solutions, and we’re going to get answers from companies twenty four seven, sometimes on holidays. I remember just a little while ago, I was running into problems with a little program I just purchased. Well, I went over to their website. This was on a holiday. And I typed in a question, and it came back with an answer within ten seconds. And that was okay, but it wasn’t quite right.

Terry Brock [00:13:19]:
I said, yeah, but what about this? Then it went a step further and answered it. It was built into the programming, and this is what every business needs to start thinking about. How can we do this and make it happen so that what we’re doing is we’re moving in there to make sure, hey, we are going to be here to help you and to get the solutions that you need when you need them twenty four seven. Also, we’re seeing some stories of very good moving stories that are empathy at scale. This is when you can start making the kind of decisions that you need. With a narrative collection, you can take any transaction that you’re going to have with the immigrant stories and experiences. Take those kind of stories that others have had and experienced, and then move those into what can be work can work for you. And then look at emotional analysis.

Terry Brock [00:14:07]:
Understand things like that. Like NLP that will give you tools which are natural language processing tools so they identify the emotional cues and themes. It can sense the difference between, yeah, that was a good sandwich, and, yeah, it was a good sandwich. Same words, different natural language processing is required. And the connection building, you’re able to use this by matching the community members with other shared experiences, putting them together. And here’s the real key, empathy, growth. So that you start out and you’re working with that, our early traits show that we’re seeing a 40% increase in sympathy metrics among users. So in the empathy as well as the sympathy, all of that working together.

Terry Brock [00:14:59]:
What we’re seeing is people are saying, alright. We want to feel close to people. And when you can design a system that does that for you, then you’re in really good shape. You’re gonna make sure that it’s working much better and using tools the right way. So what are some of those tools that are there? Well, some of them are tools like content creation tools that we’re using now, chat GPT, of course. My old buddy, Perplexity, that I like because it taps into a host of others and then gives us some extra capabilities to produce some very attractive pages for handouts or spaces where we can work and get things done. I’ve been using Grok a lot and really love the quality of pictures that it’s giving us. When we we use those tied into x, I can do a lot with that.

Terry Brock [00:15:46]:
Taja, another great tool that gives us the ability to get a description to generate thumbnails. Yeah. It generates thumbnails for you. I love it. Just use that today for another video I put together. Taja, that’s t a j a. Taja gives you the ability to do all of those kinds of things very nicely. Cast magic, one of my favorites.

Terry Brock [00:16:09]:
I can take the video matter of fact, we’re gonna be using that for all of our videos. We still are on this video that I’m doing for you. Hey. This is a creator to creator behind the the door. What I’m doing is I take what I’ve got, and then I use cast magic to give me a transcript of it, to give me introductions, to give me a starting rough draft. Then I take it and I turn it into my own words, modifying, adjusting from there. And gamma is another great tool. Matter of fact, I’m using that right now.

Terry Brock [00:16:42]:
I went into deep research, got information for what I’m talking about here, moved it into gamma, which grabbed all of those components, gave me about 40 pages of slides, and then I just bring that right into my Apple Keynote, and it works beautifully. Something that is amazing, what it can do, and how you can start using this. I would recommend take a look at some of these tools and how they can help you. They’re really nice. Maybod, do you like that little bounce there? Put in there, the little bounce that you could use that. And here’s another tool that’s doing it right, Grammarly. I’m not using Grammarly myself, but I know others that are. I used it a few years ago and really enjoyed it.

Terry Brock [00:17:24]:
Great program and they do a lot with it. You can do a lot with conversations. For instance, you get a conversational tone that suggests edits to make copy feel, well, more approachable and more friendly. So you’ve got something there that’s really gonna help you in a big way. Also, the urgency calibration. It gives you the ability to create the appropriate sense of urgency without appearing desperate. It’s sensing what’s going on. And I think that’s where the best of the best of AI comes in.

Terry Brock [00:17:54]:
When it starts really sensing, okay, what is it that people want? What is it that they’re doing? What can we do to make this thing better than ever? And by using these together, again, the human and the robot together. Also, you can use this for a lot of other things with empathy and empathy. The empathy, caring for people and getting back sure make sure you enhance that. Because by with this, it’s gonna identify the opportunities to increase the emotional connection. All of this is to benefit human beings, and it’s working. Well, how do we do that? A hybrid workflow framework can really help. Human beings operating with robots using human judgment. You reserve the final creative decisions for the human team members.

Terry Brock [00:18:41]:
Humans make the final decision. And in the midst of that, we have a collaborative refinement. So the humans and AI iterate on the content together. And with AI analysis, use AI for data integration and tread trend identification. I guess you could use a tread as well if you’re working and then you got some some tires. You wanna get some good tread there? But the trend, yeah, identification is really what you’re looking at. Okay. Where are we going? What are people looking for? Again, that sentiment analysis is nice.

Terry Brock [00:19:11]:
I was just speaking a while back with, some people who were in the deli and bakery industry. We did some analysis and sentiment analysis looking what people are looking for and projecting where they’re going so we had a good idea of what kind of purchases their customers are gonna be making within the next six months or so. This is really important. That AI analysis gives you a lot of capabilities with it. And then here is one that’s really important. Starbucks is doing this a lot as well. Human in the loop systems. I love this blend.

Terry Brock [00:19:44]:
Write this down because this is something that most every business can use. Your business can probably use this in a really big way. You’re gonna use AI analysis, the systems that will process data and generate initial recommendations. Not a command, it’s not doing it, it’s just a recommendation. Then it goes to a human review. This is brilliant. Qualified professionals then evaluate, they’re using their brain thinking about it, the AI suggestions. Then we take it and refine it.

Terry Brock [00:20:17]:
Oh, yeah. Humans modify the recommendations based on context and expertise. Hey. Someone might have more expertise in this area. Let that person do this. She might know a whole lot more about a given topic than the others do. Wonderful. Let’s bring in that more inclusive thinking so we get a variety of different opinions all the way around.

Terry Brock [00:20:39]:
Then we implement. This is where he gets moving. Final human approved decisions are put into action. That is good. And matter of fact, that is a model to use in content creation as well. My friends who are producing content, yeah, like I am, what you wanna do is you want to tie into what people are thinking, what they’re saying. And when you’re writing and producing it, start with your ideas, then let AI modify it. Like in writing something, let it clean up your spelling.

Terry Brock [00:21:08]:
Let it, give you suggestions for grammar. Now sometimes, you might want to use improper grammar depending on how you’re communicating, for a laugh, for fun, to make a strong point. Yeah. But AI will be subservient to the humans. I think they’re doing a great job of this at Starbucks, and we can borrow from that and say, alright, we’re gonna use similar kinds of functionality as well. Also, you want cultural adaptation tools. So for instance, what you’re gonna be able to do is look at regional idioms. How they’re saying it? They say things differently.

Terry Brock [00:21:40]:
Have you noticed there’s a difference between Boston and Austin? Yeah. We say things a little bit differently. So what you’ll do is you’ll humanize the AI pro and that adjusts the content for the local expressions and the sayings. People will be able to be a little bit different. That’s just one way. And then look at the historical context. This incorporates cultural sensitivities based on regional histories. Find out what was good here and maybe what didn’t what happened before that we wanna avoid now.

Terry Brock [00:22:12]:
These are important as well. And then here’s the most important, customization. Make sure that you avoid the, well, one size fits all. This one here is for everyone approach to the content creation. No. You wanna turn that around and adapt it differently. Be context aware of emotional intelligence. That is really important there.

Terry Brock [00:22:33]:
You wanna listen to voice analysis. A matter of fact, that’s what the machines are doing now. They’re going in and they’re listening for the analysis. So that, for instance, with Google’s MUM, the MUM detects the subtle emotional cues and the voice tone, like I was talking about before. Your tone is there. And when you can get a machine to do that and then alert a real human being to come in and help, now you got the combination you need. And look at the typing pattern. Sometimes the way they type says something as well.

Terry Brock [00:23:03]:
The systems can identify emotions through the keyboard interaction style. I guess they could really tell if they’re banging on the keyboard. That would say something right there, and you wanted to follow-up with that. And nuanced responses. These nuanced responses are gonna help you because the AI generates replies calibrated to the emotional response of what people are saying, what they like, and what they don’t like. And this one by the way, I love this picture here. Those of you that are catching this on video, that picture there of the man, the lady, and the robot helping her, this is what it’s really all about. It’s augmentation over automation.

Terry Brock [00:23:41]:
It can help you with repetitive tasks so that the robots can handle that. The AI will be able to handle the data processing, the scheduling, and the routine communications, just the regular stuff. And then that frees us up for the human focus that people can concentrate on creative thinking and the emotional connection. Balanced workflow means what you’re gonna do is you’re gonna have teams that achieve higher productivity while maintaining quality relationships. Using the combination of AI and human beings, we’re gonna get the very best of both. Here are four things that are very important also with your ethical AI literacy. Ethical AI literacy is very important. We gotta be careful of our bias recognition.

Terry Brock [00:24:29]:
The training that we get can help teams identify potential AI prejudices. Find out where it is. Sometimes it’s a hallucination. AI can hallucinate. In other words, say something that’s wrong, but we wanna check that. Then you wanna have limitation awareness. Understand where AI should not replace human judgment. We’ve gotta build that in.

Terry Brock [00:24:52]:
That is critical. Otherwise, the AI could take over and, hey, those sci fi movies might become real. I think we’re gonna be able to avoid that. We as human beings are gonna be smarter. And then implementation guidelines. When you’re implementing it, have your frameworks in place for responsible AI deployment in your various contexts. And also, continuous education. Regular updates on emerging ethical consideration, what’s going on and what should be done.

Terry Brock [00:25:20]:
So it’s really the value of human uniqueness. We let human beings do their thing and let robots do their thing as well. We have each doing what’s best and blending it together so that we have AI’s greatest value, which may really lie in reminding us what makes us uniquely human. Isn’t that interesting? That it will help us to know what we’re doing uniquely human. Empathy, creativity, and meaningful storytelling. This is excuse me. This is where it is right now. We’ve got to make sure that we work with that.

Terry Brock [00:25:53]:
So here’s how you do it. You’re gonna build trust through an AI human balance, achieving authentic connection, meaningful relationships that are built on transparency. In addition to that, we’re gonna look at ethical implementation. So you have responsible AI use and you have some clear boundaries. AI will not do this. AI can do that. And then we’re gonna look at the augmented capabilities where we say, okay. We have an enhanced human ability through thoughtful AI integration.

Terry Brock [00:26:24]:
And then we’re gonna take a look at the technical foundation. The technical foundation means it’s reliable and you got well designed a AI systems. That little graph right there can really help you a lot. This gives you the ability to see, okay, how are we gonna do this thing? How do we make it work so that, hey, it’s gonna be better all the way around? And so that as we’re moving within the different parameters, getting the job done in different areas, we’re gonna let AI do what it does best and let humans do what they do best. As we see the combination of them, we see them both moving around doing that. So your key takeaways for this right now, I think is, first of all, you wanna take a look at that balance is essential. That balance is gonna give you the ability to know when do you do it this with a human, when do we do it with a robot, with AI. Also, the AI should augment rather than replace the human connection.

Terry Brock [00:27:19]:
That’s key. It is not replacement, it is augmentation. But you’ve gotta learn. Gotta learn what’s going on with that. Also, we’re gonna look at ethics first. What is the proper thing to do? We’re gonna prioritize transparency, bias mitigation, and human oversight. Making sure humans are looking at this to determine what do we need to do here and what should we not be doing. And then, very, very important, measure the impact.

Terry Brock [00:27:47]:
Find out what’s going on. Use emotional analytics to quantify and improve the engagement. You see, we’re taking the best of both. That’s what matters in all of this. We’re taking what human beings can do. We’re taking what robots can do, AI, and we put them together. By putting them together, you get the very best of both. This is gonna help you to achieve the kind of goals that you need and to really get ahead of the competition as you’re using the the best of both to get it all done.

Terry Brock [00:28:17]:
Also, we’re gonna take a look at humanity, celebrating it. Celebrating humanity and saying, yeah. This is what we wanna do. We’re gonna make life better for human beings all the way around. So like we started here, we’re enhancing the human condition condition. Artificial intelligence, it can amplify the empathy, foster deeper connections, and enhance human experiences when implemented thoughtfully. That’s important. And this presentation has done that.

Terry Brock [00:28:45]:
I’m Terry Brock with terrybrock.com. And, hey, I got another goodie for you here that I wanna help you with that’s going to help you to do the kinds of things that need to be done in your work so that you’re gonna be able to really get ahead. We’ve got some updated, continually being revised training for you. Bounce over to aitoolsforbiz.com. That’s all in lowercase. Aitoolsforbiz.com, where we talk about tools like, yes, ChatGPT, Perplexity, Dolly three. We’re also looking at many other tools that are out there that are helping you like Taja, Castmagic, Gamma, tools that can help you in some major, major big ways, and this will help you. And if you’re watching this on video, go ahead and in there, you can get a QR use that QR code and be able to jump over there and get it.

Terry Brock [00:29:39]:
There’s no charge for this, and it’s an ongoing course for you and your colleagues so they can start using it. People that are on your team and working with them. And we’ve got even more goodies for you. So check into these other videos that are out there. They will help you. And leave a note. Please share this with others so that they’ll get the idea of how we can take AI, the best of that, the best of human beings, and make it a win all the way around. I’m Terry Brock.

Terry Brock [00:30:03]:
Thank you very much for joining me.

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Name: Terry Brock
Group: Achievement Systems
Dateline: Orlando, FL United States
Direct Phone: 407-363-0505
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