Sunday, December 12, 2010
You never give up the podium and just walk away. Even if you are the president of the free world
It was an interesting strategy. President Obama invited former President William Jefferson Clinton to his Presidential News Conference. The Presidential news conference has its own unique place in history. Started under Woodrow Wilson and first televised under Eisenhower, the news conference has always spotlighted the president. That is why it is called the Presidential Press Conference.
President Obama devised a unique strategy. Bring in now departed and now beloved former President Bill. Bring him to shore up the Dem's threatening to defect. Bring him to rally the Independent and the independent of thought.
From a communication perspective it is not a bad strategy. Odd but not ineffective. Where President Obama went wrong was:
a. When he announced he had to leave his own news conference because his wife was waiting for him. You do not want to hear a fellow employee say they have to leave a meeting to meet their wife, let alone the president give that excuse in front of a nation and a former president.
b. Never, never, never give up the spotlight WILLINGLY. What was he thinking? You may share the spotlight at times. To accomplish a higher purpose would count.
But you never give up the podium and just walk away. Even if you are the president of the free world.