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E-mail Etiquette, A Message of Respect
Marsha Egan, CSP - Workplace Productivity Coach and E-mail Expert Marsha Egan, CSP - Workplace Productivity Coach and E-mail Expert
Reading, PA
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Etiquette is based on respect. In discussing effective e-mail habits, e-mail etiquette takes these habits to the highest level. A truly sophisticated e-mailer projects professionalism by his or her consistent use of proper e-mail etiquette. Here are the basics of e-mail etiquette that will consistently enhance your image and productivity once they've become engrained habits.

1. Use sentence case. If you use all caps, it appears as if you are SHOUTING. To avoid this misimpression, always use upper and lower case, commonly known as "sentence case."

2. Personalize the message. This can be the easiest and most effective etiquette practice. By incorporating the person's first name in the body of the e-mail, you will go a long way in showing respect.

3. Do not share large lists of e-mail addresses via CC. Placing a large number of e-mail addresses of recipients who don't know each other in the CC shares private information with many recipients. Indiscriminate copying can actually be viewed as an invasion of privacy. Instead, enter the e-mail addresses in the BCC line or use the mail merge feature.

4. Think before you BCC. Your use of the BCC option could be interpreted as backstabbing, end runs, or mistrust. Before you use this feature, think about the reasons you are doing so, and determine whether the use is truly necessary. Consider how its use might make you look to other recipients.

5. Avoid emoticons, abbreviations, and smiley faces. While some of these may be cute, there is little need for them in a business environment. Emoticons should be left for personal e-mailing. In addition, unknown abbreviations can cause confusion.

For recipients and senders alike, a little bit of e-mail etiquette can go a long way. By using proper etiquette, you will look professional and polished.

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Name: Marsha Egan, CPCU, PCC
Title: CEO
Group: InboxDetox.com, a division of The Egan Group, Inc.
Dateline: Nantucket, MA United States
Cell Phone: 610-780-1640
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