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President Obama, the House Weeper, the Anti Reagan Guy, & Ross Perot w/ Make-Up
Leslie Ungar -- Leadership Coach Leslie Ungar -- Leadership Coach
Akron, OH
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

President Obama, the House Weeper, the Anti Reagan Guy, & Ross Perot w/ Make-Up

Someone asked me tonight why I would watch the predictable State of the Union.

Very simple. I watch for the one in 30 year chance that the president will utter a line that will become apart of our culture.

AND this year there is a second reason: to see if John Boehner would cry.

Ten things President Obama will be remembered for:

1. He owned the podium, the message, and the room. And that's big. He has not always owned the podium even if he is the leader of the free world. He acted like a leader, not a professor and not a candidate.

2. He was comfortable in his own skin. Being comfortable in one's own skin is huge. Not easy, but the goal a speaker aspires to reach.

3. He redefined the recent November election as a mandate for bi-partisanship rather than a brutal beating at the polls.

4. He moved past Tucson. Although the Greens shared Michelle Obama's box, and most everyone wore white and black ribbon s, he made it clear that it was time to move on.

5. One of his strongest lines was his reference to health care, fix health care and move on.

6. Had a twist on immigration: look at it as a benefit to our society and fix it

7. Importance of education to regaining #1 position-made education secretary the most important cabinet member

8. Used a lot of three's-effective rhetorical device

9. We do big things, ordinary people who dare to dream

10. because of our people, the state of our union is strong

and he was pro-active on the deficit.

Rep Paul Ryan-was too religious and negative about this country rather than postive. he was the anti-Reagan if you think back to Reagan as a cheerleader for confidence and morale.

Michelle Bachman-she is like Ross Perot with make up. Remember his use of flip charts during the debate. She actually used a chart to show the same thing she said. In the wake of Tucson, could she have been any more inflammatory? all she needs is Perot's ears and she is the third party

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Name: Leslie Ungar
Title: President
Group: Electric Impulse Communications, Inc.
Dateline: Akron, OH United States
Direct Phone: 330-668-6569
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