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Most Pain Treatments Are A Waste Of Money, Says Pain Specialist
John Iams, M.A., P.T. -- Pain Management Expert John Iams, M.A., P.T. -- Pain Management Expert
Poway, CA
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

John Iams M.A., P.T.
 With the skyrocketing costs of health care, and the aging generation of baby boomers who rely on Medicare, the need to find cheaper and faster alternatives to treating medical conditions has become paramount. It is apparent that we cannot sustain the cost of treating musculoskeletal pain in the future as we did in the past.

There is a breakthrough treatment in the field of musculoskeletal pain relief that has the potential to dramatically reduce treatment costs; the Primal Reflex Release Technique™ (PRRT), created by John Iams, is nothing short of magical, as patients describe it.

PRRT consists of a triage methodology, the One-Minute Exam, and a system of techniques designed to manipulate the body's reflexes in order to relieve existing pain from injury or other causes. The One-Minute Exam effectively evaluates critical areas of pain that are then treated with the various techniques.

PRRT works quickly and effectively, and dramatically increases the response to other treatments with which it is combined. With the use of PRRT, results from physical therapy, massage therapy or chiropractic treatments that would normally take many weeks to achieve can often be accomplished in only several visits or less.

Such results are extraordinary and seem too good to be true. If reflexes can have such a powerful effect, why had no one discovered and implemented these techniques until now? As Iams says, "There's nothing more primal than reflexes." The information on reflexes was known and documented, but it had been ignored for nearly a century.

A physical therapist, Iams had avidly researched pain and its causes during his three-decade career, in a continual search to find answers for his patients. His research led him to an out-of-print book from 1901 by Charles Sherrington. Sherrington has been called the father of the nervous system because of his major contributions to the study of how this system works.

Although his work is well known and respected, Sherrington's discussion of how reflexes influence muscles had been overlooked until Iams began to review it. Using Sherrington's model, Iams began to realize that many of his patients in pain had muscles that were in a state of "splinting" in areas where they were experiencing pain.

Using the concepts of reciprocal inhibition as described by Sherrington, Iams found he could consistently release most of his patients' pain in a matter of just seconds. It did not seem to matter how long the pain had been present, nor what other attempts to treat it had failed.

Iams continued to explore the relationship between reflexes and the various muscles in the body until he had developed the complete system of techniques for each part of the body. While PRRT does not work with every patient and every condition, it has proven effective in 80 to 90 percent of patients. And if the patient does not respond on the first attempt, it is likely future attempts will also be unsuccessful, saving time and money in unnecessary treatments.

"A paradigm shift like PRRT could save our healthcare system untold billions of dollars which are wasted on multiple visits and often with little or no success using other forms of therapy," Iams notes.

Given the state of medical costs today, the discovery of Primal Reflex Release TechniqueTM is timely and non-too-soon.

For more insight visit: http://www.thePRRT.com and http://www.JohnIams.com

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: John Iams, M.A., P.T.
Group: Primal Reflex Release Technique™ (PRRT™)
Dateline: Poway, CA United States
Direct Phone: 1-858-487-3700
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