Thursday, June 28, 2012
29 Ways to Save Money on Gas
By Jim Garnett, a/k/a Ask Mr.G, a member of the ICFE's Board of Educational Advisors.
With the escalating price of gasoline, everyone is trying to think of ways to save money on this necessary expense. Stacy Johnson from offers 28 ways that may help.
1. Pay cash (If you get a discount for it - which is rare indeed).
2. Fill up at a warehouse club and get a discount (be sure you don't just spend money to save money).
3. Fill up at a grocery store owned station and get a discount (be sure you don't just spend money to save money).
4. Shop around for lower prices (but don't drive around looking too long or your savings will disappear).
5. Drive slower and save gas.
6. Remove the extra weight out of your car.
7. Get a tune-up.
8. Get a gas rewards card (again, don't just buy things to get a gas discount or money rebate).
9. Get a tire alignment.
10. Clean your air filter.
11. Check your tire pressure.
12. Eliminate jack-rabbit starts (commonly called "Beating the other fella off the line!").
13. Carpool.
14. Ride a bike
15. Buy a car that gets better mileage.
16. Use a smart phone app to find nearby low prices
17. Brake as little as possible (of course you brake when you have to - just don't over-brake)
18. Turn off your air conditioner (unless it is hot where you live comfort is more important to you than thrift).
19. Close your windows.
20. Pick a better route.
21. Combine your trips (duh).
22. Ride the slipstream (better yet - drive onto a car-carrier at a truck stop).
23. Target the best time of day to get gas (before it goes up 10 cents a gallon).
24. Don't fill up until you're almost empty.
25. Make sure your gas cap is tight.
26. Don't idle more than necessary (unless where you live is cold and you like to see out your frosted windows)
27. Don't use high-octane gas unless your car is pinging.
28. Don't top off your tank (and spill gas all over the place).
29. Buy stock in a gas company that increases in value each time gas prices increase (too risky for most of us).
I know all of these will not work for you, but out of 29 suggestions, your ought to find one or two that will help!
Source: Adapted from Stacy Johnson,
© Jim Garnett.
The information on this site should be understood to be a general discussion of the subject matter and DOES NOT constitute a legal opinion about the situation. For further information please consult a qualified attorney.
© Jim Garnett, The Debt Doctor
AskMrG Consulting, LLC
2216 SW 35th Street
Ankeny, IA 50023
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Paul Richard
President - Executive Director
Institute of Consumer Financial Education (ICFE)