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US Olympic Committee Commissioned Pin-Up Artist Al Moore
Gina Elise --  Pin-Ups For Vets Gina Elise -- Pin-Ups For Vets
Los Angeles, CA
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Donated Pin-Ups For Vets Calendars Delivered to Camp Pendleton
 One would be hard-pressed to imagine a famous pin-up artist being hired by the U.S. Olympic Committee to do three works of art. "It turns out that the late pin-up artist Al Moore had the skills that the Olympic Committee was looking for at the time," says Gina Elise, Founder of the award-winning nonprofit organization, Pin-Ups For Vets.

Al Moore one of the greatest pin-up illustrators of all time, was hired by Esquire Magazine in the late 1940's, replacing the infamous Alberto Vargas. His illustrations of pin-up girls in Esquire's famous two-page gatefolds became collectors' items. Moore became one of the most successful and celebrated pin-up illustrators of his time, and his work eventually inspired the U.S. Olympic Committee to hire him for an important job.

Did the administration at the U.S. Olympic Committee Headquarters want some of those sexy pin-up girls to adorn the walls of their offices? The answer is surprising.

"As a pin-up model, myself, I was intrigued when I first came across this fact," says Elise, who collects many books on the subject of pin-up paintings. "When I first heard about this amazingly talented pin-up artist being called on by the U.S. Olympic Committee, I had to do some research to see what this was all about."

The "Pin-Ups For Vets" calendar model (www.PinUpsForVets.com) found the answer in her sizeable collection of pin-up books. In The Great American Pin-Up by Charles G. Martignette and Louis K. Meisel, Gina Elise found a biography of pin-up artist Al Moore that explained why the U.S. Olympic Committee had hired Al Moore:

"When photographs started to replace artwork in magazines and advertising, Moore decided to retire and pursue fine-art painting, including portrait commissions. Shortly after he moved to Crawford, Colorado, he accepted a commission from the United States Olympic Committee for three paintings for their world headquarters that would call attention to the problem of illegal steroid use by athletes."

Elise was happy to find out that Moore's art skills were put to use for a greater good, but it is Moore's alluring pin-up paintings that really inspire the calendar girl who has modeled in the last six Pin-Ups For Vets fundraiser calendars that benefit hospitalized Veterans. "Al Moore's beautiful pin-up girls were the inspiration for the upcoming 2013 Pin-Ups For Vets calendar," says Elise, who along with four popular celebrity models, all pose in a similar style to the 1940's and 1950's pin-up girl paintings.

"Our calendar images all bring to mind 'the girl next door' because those are the images that boosted morale for the troops overseas during WWII, and that is still our goal today, to boost morale for our Vets in the VA hospital wards and for our troops in the combat zones," explains Elise.

"The much anticipated 2013 Pin-Ups For Vets calendar can be pre-ordered now," says Elise, who the troops have nicknamed, "the Betty Grable of a new generation" and "the calendar angel".

"Our calendars can be found on our organization's website's order page at www.PinUpsForVets.com, and there is an option to order a calendar for yourself, or to donate one for a hospitalized Veteran or for a deployed service member," says Elise who is a big fan of the pin-up girls of the WWII era, when her own grandfather served in the U.S. Army. Elise is hoping that the project's supporters will order calendars that she can deliver during her personal visits to America's hospitalized Veterans during her 50-state VA Hospital Tour or to U.S. sevice members in military bases across the country.

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Name: Gina Elise
Group: Pin-Ups For Vets
Dateline: Redlands, CA United States
Direct Phone: nis
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