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Publicity Tips/Host Webinars for Your Clients
Joan Stewart -- Publicity Expert Joan Stewart -- Publicity Expert
Port Washington, WI
Tuesday, November 27, 2012


  The Publicity Hound

Tips, tricks, and tools for free publicity delivered weekly!

Tips Of The Week -- Nov. 24, 2012

Issue #667

  In This Issue:

1.  Host Webinars for Your Clients

2.  Steal 17 Story Ideas and Pitch

3.  New Posts at My Blog

4.  Hound Video of the Week

1. Host Webinars for Your Clients

Coaches, mentors, authors, speakers and trainers: Offer webinars to your clients, customers and followers.

Most of your competitors aren't doing this yet, and it will make you really stand out as someone who adds value. Here are some ideas to consider:

--Publicity Hounds, offer a webinar for bloggers, journalists and others so you can teach them about an emerging trend in your industry.

--Speakers and trainers, do follow-up training with your audiences via webinars. Let them ask questions about things you've taught them to implement.

--Authors, use webinars to build the buzz just before a book launch, or during the launch, so readers can discuss your book and ask you questions about it.

--Experts, host a paid webinar, record it, and sell the video replay afterward. This is a very fast way to create video products. Trust me when I tell you I've done this successfully for several years, even though I don't have a technical bone in my body.

Learn how you can do it, too Join me for the two-part training series "How to Host Webinars and Sell Them as Profitable Products" from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 28 and 29. Register anyway if you can't attend live because I'll send you the video replays and all the bonuses within 72 hours after the second call.

Important: If you register, you must "save your seat" twice in GotoWebinar so you can attend both sessions. Full instructions are on the thank-you page.

Register here If you're still not sure if this is for you, read my blog post on "9 ways to use webinars for PR, to make money, save time."

2. Steal 17 Story Ideas and Pitch

From now until the end of the year, you'll start seeing "The Best __________ of 2012" and "The Worst ___________ of 2012" blog posts, articles and news stories in newspapers and on TV.


--The 5 Best Notebooks of 2012.

--The Worst PR Gaffes from This Year.

--The 10 Best Software programs of 2012.

The media LOVE these lists. So do people looking for great content to share on the social media sites.

I'll bet you can come up with your own list and pitch it to journalists or bloggers. That's just one of 17 ideas I'll be sharing when I'm a guest on SocialBuzzClub's free webinar from 2 to 2:45 p.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, Nov. 29. It's called "17 Story Ideas You Can Pitch for Publicity" and I'll even share a formula on how to pitch your ideas.

Don't miss this one. These ideas will come in handy when you need publicity and the idea well is dry. Register here

3. New Posts at My Blog

Increase your Facebook fan reach with "Get Notifications"

9 ways to use webinars for PR, to save money, save time

Dog Tweets: How to be an ideal guest blogger

4. Hound Video of the Week

You'll love this dog and his Million-Dollar Smile

Dog Jokes & Quotes Ebook: 170+ G-rated dog jokes and quotes, perfect for a dog-lover, your favorite vet, or just for a few good laughs.

Permission to Reprint:

You may reprint any items from "The Publicity Hound's Tips of the Week" in your print or electronic newsletter. But please include the following paragraph:

Reprinted from "The Publicity Hound's Tips of the Week," an ezine featuring tips, tricks and tools for generating free publicity. Subscribe at http://www.publicityhound.com/ and receive by email the handy cheat sheet "89 Reasons to Send a Press Release."

If you like these tips, please pass them on to your friends, clients and colleagues.

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The Publicity Hound respects your privacy and has a strict anti-spam policy.

Joan Stewart

The Publicity Hound


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Phone: 262-284-7451

Email: jstewart@publicityhound.com
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Name: Joan Stewart
Group: The Publicity Hound
Dateline: Sagamore Hills, OH United States
Main Phone: 262-235-2843
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